Search Results

  1. R

    Feline Depression

    Meowser... Meowser, Meowser, Meowser. My fiance and I just moved in together. In our family there is Slinky the ferret, Luna the 5 month old kitten, and Meowser the cat who is about two and a half years old. The kitten and the ferret could not be happier. Meowser on the other hand is not...
  2. R

    Help! New cat ower, worried about strange behavior.

    Awwww!!! Congratulations and thank you for adopting!!! Your poor new kitty is scared and overwhelmed! Kinda like Bambi in the meadow lol... remember? hehe Put its litter box as close to where it is right now. (When stressed, these little guys can make some nasty messes.>:P) And make sure the...
  3. R

    Satan's Kitty

    Ok, about a year ago I adopted a tiny kitten from my Aunt. I named her Little Kitty and we were inseperable. She was my best friend and the most relaxed happy go lucky kitty ever. I took her to my friend's houses and she was perfectly content sitting and listening to us talk, and then curling up...