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  1. L

    Peeing outside the litter box - another case

    I'm actually having a very similar problem with my cat (Ninja, recently turned 3 years old), however there have been household changes.  In my situation his eating area is upstairs, and all 3 litter boxes are downstairs in our very large laundry room.  Two of the boxes are next to each other...
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    I'm so confused

    This was my initial thread: I had some bloodwork done on Max yesterday (we only checked kidney and thyroid) and the vet said both were borderline problematic, but still in normal range. She wants me to put him on a protein restricted diet...
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    I just typed this all out then accidentally hit back on my browser, so here goes again! I have two cats. Max is 15 or 16 years old, and Ninja is 2 1/2 years old. I've been finding random vomit that looks like digested kibble around the house (they are fed Taste of the Wild). If I give them...
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    I have two kitties. One is 13 years old and I think weighed in at about 13 pounds last time he was weighed. The other is a 6 month old kitten, that weighed in at 7.7 pounds. The older cat does not have kidney issues yet, but it looks like he's headed that way so my vet wanted to put him on...
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    2 cats, different diets

    I could use some opinions. I have two cats. One is 13 years old and has been eating Nutro Max for many many years now. The other is a 5 month old kitten, and I have him on Innova Evo. I'd like to get the older cat eating the Evo since it's higher quality, but he refuses to eat it. I free...
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    Cat won't eat

    First of all this is not my cat. I got an email from my ex this morning and he's concerned because his cat is not eating. I recommended a vet, but I know he's not doing well financially so this may not be an option for him so I'm trying to help figure out why she's not eating. I asked him how...
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    Litter box opinions

    I have two cats. One is 13 years old and ALWAYS uses the litterbox. The other is a kitten that is about 5 months old. We prefer to keep the litterbox downstairs. The kitten has decided that he doesn't always want to go downstairs to go potty, which I think is odd because he goes downstairs...
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    Very stinky poops

    When we first got our kitten from the humane society they gave us a bag of Science Diet Kitten for him. Rather than waste it I continued to feed it and started adding in Innova Evo probably about 2 weeks ago. He took to it quickly and the Science Diet ran out, so he is purely on the Evo now...
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    Max's bloodwork

    My 13 year old cat had some bloodwork done yesterday and everything turned up pretty good.. But they said (I don't remember what it was called), but the levels for the kidney were in the higher end of normal range, and want to put him on K/D food to make sure it doesn't get worse? She said...
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    Hairball Laxatives

    My cats have never had issues with hairballs. Because of this I've never had to give them any sort of laxative. Well Max had a run in with a flea, and started pulling his hair out. The flea issue has been taken care of, but Max ingested a lot of hair. Last night I was afraid he was choking...
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    Well my kitten has finally learned how to get to my older cat's food so now I am trying to give them scheduled feedings since they are on different foods (as opposed to leaving kibble out 24/7). I stopped at a pet store today because I needed some more kibble for the kitten, and I was...
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    Rambunctious kitten and older cat

    I have two kitties. Max is 12 years old, and Ninja is about 4 months old. Ninja was adopted from the humane society after my 17.5 year old cat Sam died. Max used to try to get close to Sam, but Sam would get mad at him when he tried grooming him and swat him away. I always saw Max go up...
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    I'm not really sure where this topic should go. It is health related, but in regards to the health of an unborn child rather than a cat. I'm not pregnant yet, but my husband and I are working on it. I went to my doctor to test for an immunity to toxoplasmosis as I did have indoor/outdoor cats...
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    Kitty door

    We just put in a kitty door in our laundry room door so the cats can get in there to use the litter box, but the dogs can't get in there to eat what is in the litter box. Our kitten is adapting quickly and has used the door already on his own. However the 12 year old cat wants nothing to do...
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    Food recommendation

    I have 2 kitties. One is 12 years old and has been eating Nutro Max Indoor Cat Adult formula for years. We also just recently adopted a kitten who is eating Science Diet kitten formula because that's what the shelter gave us. Max (12 year old) is a very healthy and happy cat. Two questions...
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    I need a new name!

    After much consideration following the loss of my 17.5 year old cat to cancer, I decided to add a new member to our family. I went to the humane society today and met with a few very sweet kitties. The first one was so terrified of everything even after I'd sat with him for almost an hour that I...
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    Adopting a fixed kitten

    I'm looking for a kitten, and would rather adopt than purchase one from a breeder or pet store. As I'm looking through the adoptables on shelter pages, a lot of them say they have already spayed or neutered the kitten as young as only a few weeks/months old. I know they do this so there won't...