Search Results

  1. J

    How much phosphorus is in a mouse? ROFL

    Jack has CRF, he was diagnosed a few months ago, but he is doing pretty well now, Sub-qs every other day, pepcid at night, some B vitamins, some phosphorus binder and some baking soda. Hes actually doing really well. I got a lot of help from the yahoo group, fwiw. Well spring is showing up...
  2. J

    Sub-Qs by yourself?

    So far we've given Jack about 10 sub-qs, and its always taken 2 of us, but I travel for work and eventually my wife will need to give Jack sub-qs by herself. How likely is this? How successful have any/all of you been at giving sub-qs by yourself?
  3. J

    CRF cat, near the end...?

    Our cat Jack has taken a notable turn for the worse. He was diagnosed with CRF 1 month ago, the vet ran a LOT of IV fluid through him for 2 days, that really perked him up, but... We brought him home and switched his food to kidney friendly wet food, he didn't like it much so we switched...
  4. J

    Cremation or burial?

    Which did (or will) you choose and why? I could really go either way at this point. We have 2 acres, mostly sage, and Jack sure loves to hunt mice out there, so for him to spend eternity in the sage he loved so much seems like a good way to go. I think I'd prefer to plant a nice...
  5. J


    Jack has CRF, he was throughly flushed for 2 days at the vet about 2 weeks ago, his blood numbers were 120 urea and 6.5 creatinin, those dropped in half with the massive IV flush for 2 days. After the flush he had a bunch of giddy up back in his step, but over the last 2 weeks he has slowed down...
  6. J

    Does your cat jump into your arms?

    Our cat Jack jumps into our arms pretty frequently, typically from the ground. He'll land with a paw on either side of your neck and rub his face on your chin/nose, we'll of course catch him when he lands on us. But he doesn't use his claws at all, he totally trusts you to catch him. Once or...
  7. J

    I need a specific catnip filled mouse, Help? (longshot)

    Hello! My wife and I are the lucky housemates of Jack Bombay, and his sister Leenya, they're total buds, Jack is 11 and Leenya is 6. Jack is an Expert, fwiw, and Leenya is a highly ranked professional, here is a pic of them, Jack is the black one, And another, A couple of week ago...