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  1. D

    I'm playing hookey tomorrow...SHHHHH!!!

    The home care agency that I kinda/sorta work for (got between 4 and 6 hours a WEEK from them since April, until they decided to take my client away - they said they'd find me a new one but I told them not to bother, so now I'm still technically employed there but not getting any work....) Called...
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    It's official...I'm an idiot

    I'll start off by saying that I have never really dated alot. I've gone out a few times, but at 24 years old I have never had a serious boyfriend. I'm quite shy and have trouble meeting people. (this is really hard to say, just so you know). I'm not like insanely ugly, or really really...
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    What to do about feral colony

    There's a colony of ferals right outside my back fence. 10 or more of them, with a big white tom. My dog is always barking at them, so they're not one bit scared of her. Today, she got out of the fence and was standing in the middle of about 5 of them. Which is odd, since she lives to chase...
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    I have this neighbor, an older lady (50ish?). She's always in everyone's business and is just plain annoying. She invites herself into your house, and will simply walk in if you leave the door open. She was obsessed for a while about how many chinchillas I had. She asked me one day, I said 6...
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    Have you ever been embarassed by your town/city?

    You're supposed to have pride in where you live, right? I live here because it is QUIET, a small town, practically deserted. Yeah, It could use some revitilization.... But come on! They've been talking about this for a long time, it still looks like it's...
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    I need to vent....

    I realize I do alot of venting here, but it really does help. Stupid country club I have worked at for THREE YEARS is about to lose their most valuable employee. The manager I worked for for the first two years left the beginning of last year. The past year, they haven't had a manager. The...
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    Apparently, I don't feed them enough?

    Little boogers have been letting my border collie take the blame for knocking the lid off the dog food bin...... They tend to think that if their bowl is empty, they're going to starve to death. I feed them each a cup of food a day, and they're far from skin and bones (check out that belly on...
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    Soft spoken kitty?

    I have two cats, gray tabbies, who can meow! Wow, it sounds like I have a siamese on the loose. But my little black cat, Rueben, is so quiet. He squeaks more than anything. Every once in a while, he'll give a quiet little "mew", but he has never, ever, meowed even so loud that you can hear...
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    Why are people so STUPID?

    I am so mad about this, such IDIOTS! Would you use something for your cats that someone told you was very very unsafe? No, of course not! About a year ago, I made a chinchilla cage, and for doors, I used squares/grids from walmart. They are called all sorts of names. Creative Cubes, Neat...
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    What do you think?...Russian Blue?

  11. D

    Career change, kinda scary

    WARNING - this first part is a major vent I've been working at a country club for almost three years and still make barely over minimum wage. Minimum wage (last year, I think it went up) was $7.01, I was making $7.25. I came to work everyday, I had a (fairly) good attitude, I was on time EVERY...
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    I made my mouse some food.....

    do you think I made enough? I don't know what I was thinking, I only have one mouse.....
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    My dog is freaking out right now!

    I posted this here because no one is ever on any dog boards. I've seen her like this before, during thunderstorms and at my mom's house (there's a window that rattles when the wind blows). But she NEVER gets like this at home when there is not a thunderstorm or fireworks. It's scaring me...
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    Frozen pipes!

    ACK! I've been watching it at night, to make sure they didn't freeze, but it didn't even occur to me that they would freeze during the day while I was gone! It's three AM, and I've been cleaning, my house was horrible, and I just kept thinking the landlord would have to come in my house...
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    Oliver, the deaf, crippled, shadow chasing cat

    I love this cat! He's my dad's cat, he's deaf as a post and about as dumb (seriously, I love cats, I think they're wonderfully smart creatures, but this one has some screws loose). He decided a while back that it was a good idea to sneak outside and sleep under the car. My dad ran him over...
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    My newest addition.....

    Here's my latest addition. Isn't she pretty?
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    Baby Kiss!

    I hope you guys aren't sick of my baby chinchilla pics yet. Here are two of my babies. Leo is the one I posted a gazillion pics of with his brother pinky. Pinky has since gone back to the breeder (who was thrilled with how nice he turned out!). The other is my little beige girl, she doesn't...
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    More baby chinnie pics!

    These babies have gotten so cute! Leo and Pinky (they have names now!) are 7.5 weeks old and just get cuter by the day! And, there is a new arrival! A little beige girl born last friday (5-30). First is Leo, my little sweetie, I'm keeping him
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    Marley pictures!

    She's in a completely fenced in yard and never goes out without supervision. That said, Enjoy! My baby girl Marley, she's almost 3 years old
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    My babies are a month old!

    It happened so fast! Seems like they were born a week ago! They are such sweeties! Neither have been named yet. I'm keeping one, and the other is going back to the breeder (seeing as I only paid $20 for the pair, they were supposed to be non-breeders). The white mosaic is mine, the beige...