Search Results

  1. prinny


    We adopted our girl almost 3.5 years ago from a no-kill shelter. Within the last 8, 9 months or so, she has started kneading on the blankets amnd, occasionally on me or my husband. We call it paw dancing. What gives with this? We have heard that kneading is a feel-good thing, back to their...
  2. prinny

    cleaning the cat

    Our girl loves to spend a lot of time in her own personal, private playground, a/k/a our cellar. We think there must have been a coal bin down there at one point. Between the floor being half dirt, the coal dust and soot from the furnace, she comes upstairs filthy! We've discussed putting in...
  3. prinny

    cleaning the litter pan itself

    Our girl has a large plastic litter pan which she uses faithfully. Okay, we'll gloss over the one episode of diarrhea that left a deposit on the floor while we were out but we honestly believe the poor thing was enroute to the pan and ran out of time. She doesn't cover all that well, but...
  4. prinny

    taste for silver

    My new cat has a weird fixation. I wear a silver figaro chain around my neck. She loves to chew on the chain. When my friend Crystal visits us, the cat tries to chew on her silver chain, too. But she doesn't go after the sterling silver flatware. I'm almost tempted to get her a chain of her...
  5. prinny

    rusty cat mom needs refresher course

    We will soon be bringing home the cat we have adopted from a shelter where we've been volunteering. It's been a very long time since I had a cat around. I was real good as a dog mom so... She's a medium haired torti. How often should she be bathed, whether she wants to be or not? Any...
  6. prinny

    Is it or isn't it a Maine Coon

    I'm a regular pest...volunteer at the humane society no-kill shelter. There is some disagreement between me and two others about one cat in particular. He's a domestic short hair, paws down, no argument. But these two fellows keep telling me that the cat is part Maine Coon. He is short...
  7. prinny

    alpha roll

    Does an alpha roll work on cats? There's this cat that's a real bully and I'm tempted to try this on him. It works on dogs, but what about cats?
  8. prinny

    red letter day for a red collar cat

    The Knox County humane society in Maine color codes the cats. Boys have blue collars. Girls have pink collars. And feral or cats with attitude problems have red collars. My husband and I have been going over there about twice a week now for a couple of months. I started plying the more...
  9. prinny

    wanted: cat treat recipes

    Does anyone have any recipes for cat treats? A couple of the cats we visit at the local humane society are now associating me with treats. Lucky me! (And one, who ever seems to approach anyone, climbs all over me and recognizes my voice.) Thanks. Prinny
  10. prinny

    Face full of butt

    My husband and I help socialize cats at our local humane society shelter. One of the cats likes to walk all over my shoulder and chest. And she has this "thing" about sticking her butt in my face. What is this all about? Prinny.