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    Raspy Meow

    Thanks for the replies. She has no other symptoms. She is peeing and pooing normally. The only time she goes outside is when we are out sitting on the porch and she sits on the porch with us, so yes she does go outside every now and then. I will probably still take her to the vet just to make...
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    Update and pics of my babies

    Those pictures are so adorable thanks for posting those. I love the little rabbit, so cute! Oh they are all so cute I just want to give them little hugs. The little puppy and sweet. All of the animals are truly blessed to have such care and love around them.
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    Raspy Meow

    My 7 year old tortie Middy has lost her meow. Yesterday she had a normal meow but today it is a bit raspy. Usually when I would go to pet her she would meow really loud now you can barely hear it. What could this be? I am not able to take her to the vet til Friday, maybe she will be better by...
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    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your mom. I know losing a beloved pet is hard. I know Milo will be missed greatly but she will live forever in your hearts.
  9. M loving baby.

    When my husband called me in the house and she told me that she ran over him she was crying really bad. She is not one to cry often so I believed her. I never saw his body she said that she took him to the local animal shelter so that they could take care of him. She said that she didn't want me...
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    my kitten sleeps on my shoulder

    My new kitten Pepsi does the same thing. I think it is too cute. I call him my little parrot.
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    Goodbye Snickers.

    I am so sorry to hear about Snickers. I know how you are feeling it's hard losing a beloved pet even if they are fairly new. "I will always remember the tabby who taught me that not all relationships are meant to last forever. Sometimes, just an hour is enough to touch your heart.†(Barbara...
  12. M loving baby.

    I got a new kitten about two months ago. He was shy at first but quickly clung to me. He followed me everywhere. I live in the country and he would come ride in the stroller with my little girl as we took a walk down the quiet country road. He slept on my neck most nights, some nights he cuddled...
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    new kitten....potty time help

    He doesn't really interact with the older cats he loves my dog lol but I understand what you are saying. Thanks for the reply.
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    Hi. I am a new cat.

    Hi. I am a new cat around here lol. I just found the site and am very excited to find a site to talk to other cat lovers like myself. I am a proud parent to four lovable felines and would love to have more but my husband would probably not like that very much. I am looking forward to getting...
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    new kitten....potty time help

    HI! I recently received a new kitten. His name is Pepsi and he is about two months old and the sweetest thing ever. The problem I am having with him is that he pees on my covers and I have noticed that he has started to poo in a corner that is not very visible unless you move the couch, which I...