Search Results

  1. M

    My neighbors abandoned their cat

    The couple who used to live a few doors down from me moved out last weekend. I'm not sure if this was a planned move, or if the house was about to get foreclosed on (a lot of that in my neighborhood unfortunately!) According to the lady who lives across the street, she saw a large U-haul truck...
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    I am officially 'persona non grata'

    I just got a message from my G/F that I am no longer welcome in her mother's home. My g/f, her daughter Katie and I were supposed to drive to her mother's church this morning for a Mother's Day luncheon where the men do all the cooking, cleaning and serving (I had volunteered to be a waiter)...
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    Un-bee-lievable Photos

    Spring has sprung in Georgia (YAY! ) and so I decided to go to the park on Sunday afternoon with my camera. I saw an incredible number of bees buzzing around the trees that were in bloom, I thought I'd try my hand at some close-up photography. These were all taken with my Olympus C-740...
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    Gotta find a B-day present

    I have to go shopping today for a birthday present for my G/F's mom. UGH. I think the best present I could give her is to not show up to her party tomorrow. Or better yet, throw myself in front of a moving bus. Seriously, I do not understand the contempt this woman (and to a lesser extent...
  5. M

    Jake, one helluva good dog

    Just heard from my cousin in NJ that they had to put down Jake, their 15yr old Golden Lab yesterday. Jake was a great dog - gentle, protective, well behaved - pretty much a typical Lab, I suppose. Amazingly, he never went through that 'mouthy' stage as a puppy that most Labs do, he never...
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    Snowing in Atlanta

    The view out my window a few minutes ago. First snow we've seen here in at least 4-5 years. The cats are going nuts looking out the window at the falling snowflakes! Shelby in particular. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run out and get bread and milk.
  7. M

    Convertible weather almost here!

    The all too brief bit of warm, sunny weather we had in Atlanta earlier this week has reminded me that spring is not too far away. And, as everyone knows, in spring a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. For those of us closer to middle age however, our fancy turns to thoughts of a...
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    Touche the Toasted Cat

    I had to take Touche the Terror Cat to the vet this week. She had been sniffling and sneezing for a few days which in and of itself is usually no cause for alarm, but her appitite had not been as robust is it usually was and she seemed a bit lethargic on Monday night. Tuesday night when I got...
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    Turboscratcher pads

    I just spent $7.00 for a pair of replacement pads for the cats' Turboscratcher! SEVEN DOLLARS!!!! For some cardboard that cost maybe a dime to make!!! What a scam!!! As much as I hate Walmart, I used to make a trip maybe once a month for a few things I couldn't find anywhere else - a...
  10. M

    Inappropriate licking and biting

    I adopted Shelby, my 2yr old dilute tortie, from the local humaine society nearly two months ago. The cat room in the shelter had been her home since she was seven weeks old, so trying to help Shelby to adapt to her new life has been a long and sometimes frustrating ordeal. However, she is...
  11. M

    Camera Shy Kitty

    One of my biggest regrets when I put down my cat Little Girl two months ago was that I never seemed to be able to get a good picture of her. She hated the camera (I think the flash frightened her) and other than a few shots of I managed to get when she was about 8 weeks old with my old 35mm...
  12. M

    45 minutes to go.

    4:15pm. 45 minutes 'til quitting time. Chilly and wet here in Atlanta today, I've been on three different conference calls so far today, all I could manage for lunch was a cold turkey sandwich, a bag of chips and a 7-up. As I was bored out of my mind on the third conference call of the day...
  13. M

    HELP! My cat thinks she's a turkey!

    I was watching a show about turkeys I had recorded on DVR (Modern Marvels, I think, or some other Discovery Channel show) when one of the turkeys on the TV gobbled loudly. My cat, who was asleep in her condo, poked her head out. When the turkey gobbled again, she make a quiet, kitten-like...
  14. M

    Herbie the Hampster

    We are sad to announce the passing of Herbie the Hampster, who would have turned three years old in January. Herbie leaves behind his water bottle, excercise wheel and an almost full box of food that was just purchased on Sunday. Oh, and his owner Katie, 13. Herbie will be interred in a...
  15. M

    Cat Furniture on E-bay

    Anyone have any experience (positive or negative) buying cat furniture on e-bay? I've looked and the prices seem attractive, but I'm concerned about the quality.
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    Meow-less cat

    Last week, I adopted Shelby, a 2yr old dilute tortie, from the local humane society (her original name was Ariel, BTW.) While I was signing the adoption papers, I found out that she had been there since she was FIVE WEEKS old, not a year old as I was originally told. Oh well..... too late...
  17. M

    Why does she sleep on my pillow?

    My cat has begun sleeping on the bed on MY pillow in the morning while I am in the shower. Now, this cat has her own bed, a cat tree with two enclosed area, plus the sofa and recliner in the living room, the 'grandmother' chair (as I call it) in the bedroom and the whole rest of the dang house...
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    Ariel coming home today

    Ariel, the dilute tortoiseshell DSH I have adopted, is coming home tonight. Earlier this week, I gathered up all the old toys and bedding that my two recently deceased cats used and threw it all away, with the exception of Little Girl's favorite toy, which is sitting on the mantle next to her...
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    Taking home the new cat this week

    I have made the decision to get another cat, sooner than later. I had originally planned to wait until after the holidays, but Touche has been wandering around the house like a lost soul since I had to put Little Girl, my 12yr old tabby, PTS a few weeks ago. I went to the local animal...
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    Thinking about getting a new kitten

    Until recently, mine has been a three-cat household. Sadly, I lost my two older cats within 4 months of each other, so now my Tortie is an only child. I want to adopt another cat, will probably hold off until after the holidays though, but I have been looking through Petfinder the past week...