Search Results

  1. E

    Newborn Feeding Help Needed

    The shelter I am working with would prefer I not tube the kittens I am fostering so I am bottle feeding them. There are 3, the first two start suckling really quickly and strongly and then stop before the entire 3 ccs is consumed. The third wiggles and fights to get away and I barely get any kmr...
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    Fostering 3 Babies

    Hey guys! I havent been on the board in for ever! But I'm back! I volunteer at my local humane society and also foster. I got 3 babies in today. Unfortunately, we don't know the age (I'm thinking less than 4 days old because umbilical cord is attached.) or if they were able to get colostrum from...
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    I really should know this...

    I really should know this but how much should a cat be fed per day. My oldest loves to eat. Seriously. It's like a hobby of his and me being the horrible parent I am, if he cries for food I feed him. So the other day something made me look at the feeding directions on the cat food bag and it...
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    My name is Emma. I was a member under a different user name. Can't remember the user name for the life of me, so I reregistered. I have two furr'uns. (Furry lil'uns) Toussaint who will be 4 years old at the end of August and Toussaint's Nemesis (aka Neme Nemertoads) who turned a year on June 24th.
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    New to the forum. Seeking feeding advice

    Hey all. I belonged to The Cat Site a while back under a different user name I can't seem to remember. Yes, I am slightly embarrassed about that. I always come back here when I need good advice. And boy do I need advice right now. I travel quite a bit. I leave the Boys home by themselves...
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    Breast Cancer in Cats: Questions

    For those of you who know me, know when it comes to Tousse and Bease I can be the biggest hypochondriac. I just wanted to get feedback before I made what may be an unnecessary vet appointment. Bease had her two week check up & her stitches were removed. The vet kinda probed, looking for...
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    Depressed or too many Pit'r Pats?

    For those of you who dont know Toussaint and Beasley where neutered and spayed last Friday. Since then I had separated them for a couple of days, then they were together for less than a day, then separated again after Tousse kept trying to mount Beasley. I took Tousse to the vet on Wednesday...
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    The Black Avenger is looking for love....

    Hopefully not in all the wrong places. Hi, my name is Toussaint Tequila L'Overture. I am 8 months old. I am a sweet adventuress boy who shares a home with my mommy and my sister the menance (also known as Valentine thief) Here is a lil more about me. I love water, I know kinda weird but I cant...
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    Post Spay surgery questions....

    My baby Bease is still doing well. I dont know if it is the anti-inflamatory or pain killers that is making her a lil sleepy. Also she seems very clingy which is weird for my lil miss independence. She hates the lil coney collar but I am going to leave it on for a couple more days. I had a...
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    Toussaint and Beasley doing very well....

    Toussaint and Beasley are both doing very well. They both went in today to be spayed and neutered. Unfortunately I do need to keep them seperate. Tousse wants to play and I dont know how to discourage him from racing around the house. I have set up a huge bed in my bathtub for Bease and have...
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    Beasley is missing!

    Okay, so I come home tonight and as usual Tousse is at the door waiting for me but Bease is no where to be found. I check all her hang outs, the closet, the bathtub, the cabinets under the bathroom sink, under my bed...No Beasley. I seen the maintenance man on my way out but he said nothing...
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    Is it possible for a kitten to go into heat early?

    Okay, so the giardia is gone and Toussaint has an appointment on Saturday to be neutered. Only there seems to be a slight problem. Tousse started acting very strange about an hour ago. I noticed he pinned (or attempted to pin) Bease and tried to mount her! Okay, well Beasley didnt like that very...
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    Miss Beasley Belle's Thread!

    Miss Beasley took exception not to having her own thread, so here it is:
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    Toussaint: Momma's not so lil man (A thread for Tousse)

    These are some of Toussaint's baby pictures. He was sooooo tiny and time flew. My baby isnt a baby anymore! He'll be a year in June!
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    The Adventures of the Gray Menance & Black Avenger

    Presenting the Adventures of the Gray Menance and the Black Avenger GM: La la la! My tail is sooooooo interesting! I love playing with my tail! GM: I wonder if I hid behind this door if I could surprise the Black Avenger? BA: This is weird. I could have sworn the Gray Menance came in...
  16. E

    Do you bathe your cat(s)?

    I was curious as to how many of you bathe your cats. I usually bathe Tousse and Bease every month or two, right before I apply their advantage. Do any of you bathe your cat(s) also?
  17. E

    Odd problem.....

    Today was bath day for Tousse and the Bease. This was the first time I used conditioner along with thier shampoo. Bease is now hissing at Tousse. Did I really screw up by using the conditioner? Maybe like change his scent or something? I used it on both of them but I think I used a lil more on...
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    Just dropped in to say hello!

    Hey everybody! Just dropped in real quick to say hi! Toussaint and Beasley are doing fabulous! Beasley is going through the terrible twos even though she is no where near two, I guess she's just precocious that way! I wonâ€8482t be around again until the weather settles down a bit. The worst the...
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    Miss Bease is playing with the littermaid

    I've noticed that Beasley will run back and start playing with the litter maid once it starts moving. I am terrified she will get caught in it while I am gone. Is she too young for this type of litter box right now? Is there a way I can teach her not to do this? Amy suggestions and comments...
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    An odd question....(may be considered gross)

    I notice that after Tousse and Bease were "wrestling" Tousse began to clean himself. Usually I don't look at him clean himself because of appearances of a certain nature I would rather not see. For some reason I looked today and there was....something in his private area. At first because of the...