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  1. S

    What to do????

    I have a new issue that has arisen with Shadow. My husband bought me a new pendent for our anniversary and Shadow believes it is his apparently. He is attacking it even when I sleep. I wake up to him attacking me. It was kinda funny the first few times, but it seems as though he is obsessed...
  2. S


    Ok I have done some research on catnip, but since this is my first kitty.....Ya know I want input. I read that kittens might not have reaction to catnip, but I thought I would see if Shadow liked it. I bought some toys with catnip in it. He went nuts!!!! However read that it was like a high...
  3. S

    Obsessed with Eyes!

    Shadow just started the funniest thing last night! He got in my face and stared me in the eyes. He continued to stare until I had to blink. Then he thought that was amusing I guess because he pawed my eyes (thankfully without claws) it was like he knew to be gentle. Since then he gets on my...
  4. S

    Update on Shadow and Quick Question!

    Ok here is the update first! Shadow is AWSOME not sure now why I never had a cat before! He is now sleeping of nite, eating good, and using litter box! Ok here is the question! He is sleeping with me, which I dont mind because his purring puts me to sleep LOL but my mother in law said that...
  5. S

    Abandoned Kitten Found

    Hi there I dont know anything at all about kittens except what I am finding out now on web. However I found a kitten on a walk through woods, it was just meowing away and no momma anywhere. I promise I looked (I'm more of a dog person). However, I couldnt leave it with it crying. It is grey...