Search Results

  1. kittycuz

    Jane Goodall and Cougars

    Here is a link about Jane Goodall's work to save the Cougar. Cougars are the only species in the US that can be legally shot while nursing babies! Most of the laws pertaining to them are based in fear, if you ask me, and they are going to become extinct if something isn't done about it...
  2. kittycuz

    Happy New Year, Friends

    Enjoy this page.
  3. kittycuz

    How many of you.....

    ....get the "365 Cats a Year Calendar"? Are there any other cat calendars you like to get each year?
  4. kittycuz

    How Much Time.... left until 2003? Check this Countdown Clock.
  5. kittycuz

    Message from a Shy Kitty
  6. kittycuz

    Merry Christmas to All!
  7. kittycuz

    Can You Believe my Cat?

    I caught him trying to make himself throw up by eating artifical Eucalyptus in a flower arrangement. I guess he doesn't realize that you must eat real plants if you plan to surprise your owner by barfing on the carpet. Foiled him!!
  8. kittycuz

    I Feel Good!
  9. kittycuz

    Kitty Talk
  10. kittycuz

    Merry Christmas from the Cat
  11. kittycuz

    Cat Facial Expressions

    How many of you can read your cat's facial expressions? Although they don't smile like we do, can't you tell when they look contented or angry, etc? A lot of it is in the ears, but I swear they're eyes and general demeanor of their face can be very relaxed or vigilant, etc. Please share your...
  12. kittycuz

    "Clean the Cat Box"

    Here is a crazy cat page from
  13. kittycuz

    Has anyone else ever had this experience?

    This is the first time this ever happened to me. I am a born cat lover and most cats love me. But a friend of mine's cat does not like me and I have been careful never even to touch him. He tried to bite me twice previously, but this weekend he attacked me by leaping on my leg and biting me...
  14. kittycuz

    Hello from Kittycuz

    Hello to all you cat lovers. I am so happy to find this forum. I belong to two other forums and have found forums to be one of the most interesting things to do online. I have two "babies" age four, Smokey and Tigger . I look forward to getting to know all of you.