Search Results

  1. M

    Do your cats go outside?

    My cats never go outside. There are too many people who will do unspeakable things to cats that they catch, and another lady who traps and kills them because she doesn't like them around. Not to mention the dangers from cars (both accidental and on purpose), dogs, raccoons, and other animals...
  2. M

    Question: Heartguard, heartworm meds for dogs

    My vet recommended buying the meds through Foster and Smith to save money. I have 5 dogs, and it saves me a LOT. He wasn't too into places like 800PetMeds and stuff, just doesn't trust them. I live in an area that has a pretty high incidence of heartworm. I won't take the chances on not giving...
  3. M

    Can I just scream for a minute?

    Well he's on board with the move now. The barn owner just cheated me out of half of the money he owes me for cleaning stalls. I was doing stalls a couple months ago, 8 stalls, and he was paying me $50 a week. Which means that every 2 weeks he gave me a check for $100. So I wasn't doing them for...
  4. M

    Can I just scream for a minute?

    The horse is just mine. Hubby likes him, will go and pet him, but said the enjoyment he gets from the horse is more from watching me with him and how much I love him (this horse is awesome, really!). I'd told him that I'd found this other barn, but we'd talked about it for a while and decided to...
  5. M

    Can I just scream for a minute?

    My husband is driving me really batty right now. Now, in his defense, he's under some stress from work and his mom is going to be having surgery. That said. AAAUUUURRRRRGH! I have a horse that is boarded at a barn nearly an hour from my house. It costs $150 a month JUST for the gas to drive...
  6. M


    What kind of dog is it? If it's a smaller breed, they have dog littler boxes that they can be trained to use, as well as piddle pads and the like. That stuff doesn't work well for larger dogs due to the err...volume of output they have. I have 5 dogs, and 4 of them are crated when I'm not home...
  7. M

    Had the most awesome ride on my horse!

    Yeah, going for a run is one thing, and the horse taking it upon himself to choose to go for a run and not wanting to stop is another! I need to be able to stop the horse! I've been getting better and better at cantering. Earlier this week I was cantering and JUMPING! I've never really gotten...
  8. M

    Horse/livestock people

    Make sure you read the directions and apply enough. Fly sprays are notorious for not working well, but I was just reading an article in a magazine that says you have to use enough. I'm not sure how it translates to dogs for the amount, and my flyspray is at the barn, but just make sure you read...
  9. M

    Had the most awesome ride on my horse!

    I'm still floating way up above the ground! My totally awesome horse, Mr. Nib that I posted pics of in the horse thread, gave me the best ride I've had in YEARS today! We trotted in the big scary outdoor arena (I have confidence issues there after I came off him shortly after I got him) and he...
  10. M

    How do I make pancakes???

    A tip I heard on a show about IHOP is that you should use cold water to mix the batter. I believe they use water that is no warmer than 50* F. It can take a bit of time to get the hang of it, but pancakes are pretty easy (although a bit messy) once you get used to it. Also, wash your bowl that...
  11. M

    Have you ever heard of someone making their cat a vegetarian?

    Actually raw meat CONTAINS taurine. A cooked diet would need supplemented with taurine though, as the heat destroys it if I'm not mistaken. I'm not defending feeding a cat a vegetarian diet, but did want to mention that it IS possible for a vegan to supplement the diet with taurine and not...
  12. M

    Question of the Day - July 24th!!

    Any of those types of beverages do really bad things to my body. I haven't drank any of them in a good 7 years. I'm much healthier without them, have more energy, and feel better!
  13. M

    Horses, Horses, HORSES!

    Barrel racing is tons of fun! I'm training Mr. Nib for it. So far we're only trotting the pattern (he's got a bit of an issue with the outdoor arena that we have to work through before we can work outside, where the ground is suitable for running). I did take him to the barrel races a month or...
  14. M

    Horses, Horses, HORSES!

    Are you sure those are Gypsy Vanners? At least here in the US they are VERY expensive horses. Expensive enough I'll probably never own one, even though I love them! I have a horse, he's a 19 year old Arabian gelding. He's got a pretty neat story, I was browsing internet ads for "free" horses...
  15. M

    Updated baby horse pictures! (running with mom!)

    Well if we're posting pictures of horses, here's mine! This is Desert As-Kal, also known as Mr. Nib. He's my 19 year old (yes, he's 19!!) Arabian gelding. I'd had him about 2 months in this picture, he's coming off 2 years of standing in the pasture and not being ridden. So he's still out of...
  16. M

    Yearly Vet Visits - Is it worth it?

    I think it's something best worked out between you and your vet. My vet and I discussed it and decided that my cats should go every 3 years when their rabies shots are due. I have many, many years experience with cats and other animals and my vet is confident that if there was a problem, I'd...
  17. M

    Is this an okay food (ingredients list)

    The guy I talked to at Nutro told me that the propylene glycol (I think tha'ts's *something* glycol, anyways) was there to keep it the dog treats from spoiling. I said "So it's a chemical preservative?" and he said "It's there to keep it from spoiling." Over and over. Canidae swears...
  18. M

    Anyone have a Flat Burner Stove

    People tend to either love them or hate them. I LOVE mine, my husband hates it with a passion. My advice is to cook on one before you buy one. Personally, I HATE gas stoves, and actually had an outlet installed in this house because I refused to get a gas stove. You do need PERFECTLY FLAT...
  19. M

    Should I call?

    Wow that's an outragous cable bill! I pay $71 for extended basic cable and internet. And yeah, call and complain EVERY time. There's no excuse for that, especially at the price you're paying!
  20. M

    Advice about my future

    Why not start out with teaching so you can be out there and making some money (even if it's not a lot) and continue your education while you're teaching and go on to be a psychologist? A lot of teachers do that. And it's good experience. But you never know, you may find out you like teaching so...