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  1. K

    Anyone in NJ like fat cats?

    Actually, she left the cat with friends that agreed to take him to a shelter, she also gave his brother to another family. In this case, I don't think that the lady was at fault at all. She is an older lady that did the best she could. The fact that she came forward is an indicator that it was...
  2. K

    Is it normal for a male cat...

    Two years ago I had the honor of raising 3 3wkers that I had to bottle feed. My oldest and male named Boomer appointed himself in charge of these babies the rest of the time. I think he would have nursed them if he could lol. He cleaned them, sometimes stimulated them to go potty and when it was...
  3. K

    Lonely indoor cat?

    Many, many moons ago I was in your same shoes lol. I had a 1 yr old female siamese mix and she was lonely as well. I did choose to get her a companion for her birthday and it helped alot. I chose a male kitten and they got along very well and I didn't worry so much about having to be gone for...
  4. K

    Sad persian :(!!!

    I don't know if your breeder gave you his health records and vet name, but you might call them and ask. Sometimes it is just stress, but I would definately take him in for a vet check and just cover the bases. Make sure he stays warm and try confining him to a small area like a bathroom, a whole...
  5. K

    Signs of a Fight, Kitty Missing!

    Check and see if another cat is in the area. He probably would have gone to ground if he's injured or if there is a cat between him and home. Usually a stray Tom cat. Call him and look for him around dinner time, if he hears you he is more apt to come out. It's a terrible thing not knowing so...
  6. K

    Do kittens tell us apart by smell?

    Oh I agree. They definately OWN me. lol
  7. K

    Peace keeper kitten?

    I feel you dilema. I went from having 4 girls all over the age of 8 and 3 boys over the age of 6 to having a bunch of female kittens. I lost a bunch due to old age etc. Most importantly I lost the Alfa female and her successor in the same year. My surviving male had never had any desire to take...
  8. K

    Stuffies being put in the closet?!?!

    He's hiding them from the other kitties. lol I had a cat that did that with all kind of stuff. When I moved from that apartment, I found over 50 bucks that she had stashed in the closet. I used the money in her savings fund to buy her a new cat house/playground.
  9. K

    Kitten in the tornado

    I just went through a similar thing last October. I heard kids outside yelling and throwing stuff and when I went to investigate I had a small black kitten run up my shirt and on my shoulder. She was showing signs of kitty flu and weighed about 1 lb. I of course took her in and had to bathe her...
  10. K

    Multi-cat households and shedding

    Well for starters you can tell him that one more cat isn't going to be any worse than five lol. That's what I told my hubby. Actually, I am lucky my cats shed less than the dogs so most of our problem is doggy hair. I love the folding inside out, that's awesome. Since my older cats have passed...
  11. K

    Do kittens tell us apart by smell?

    Nope not your imagination. lol I have cats that will seek out my dh at certain times of day because they know he is good for someone to cuddle with for a nap. (he works at 4am) I have others that I have to constantly watch for under my feet. I have one kitten that my daughter can play dress up...
  12. K

    kneading and suckling

    I have only seen this behavior in feral babies, to that extreme, it comes from being weened too early. Babies kneed and suck to stimulate mom. I had one that never stopped and somewhere around the age of 4 it's less cute. lol. My last baby (she's 10 mos) does this now and what I have found to...
  13. K

    Dog Food

    chalk it up to pregnancy cravings lol. As long as she is eating good cat food, then a nibble of dog food isn't going to do any harm. You might try giving her extra cat food to see if she is just getting hungry, but more than likely she is bored or going through a phase. My cats free feed all...
  14. K

    Diarrhea again, with vomiting!

    Do take them to the vet because at their age they get into everything. They could have gotten a taste of a plant or into a chemical you weren't even aware of. Keep feeding them but in smaller meals and make sure they keep drinking water. Good luck
  15. K

    Nutrition for elderly cats - any advice?

    You might try cutting his favorite food with something to help add weight on. When my Boomer got over 16 he too lost weight (he was himilayan) and I added some yogurt to his faves. It helped with his digestion and helped him keep weight on. Baby rice cereal works as well.
  16. K

    bad breath solutions?

    You should definately have the vet check her mouth first. If that comes out okay you might try parsley. I had a cat that had stinky breath and gas lol my vet suggested I get a parsley plant and voila no more stinkies. Cats love to eat plants and parsley has a deoderizing quality. Of course, its...
  17. K

    A cat that like to travel?

    You should absolutely encourage it. There is no more truth to cats hating to go in a car than there is that cats and dogs hate each other. I used to take my cats to visit nursing homes and had them harness trained. They loved being in the car and would jump in on their own. While I had a carrier...
  18. K

    3 week old kittens

    You and your family should be fine. They are a little young for de-worming, but I have done it at that age. Just make sure that you have the vet do it. They are too young for the OTC stuff and that stuff rarely works or makes them sick. That way the vet can get the dosage correct. He might even...
  19. K

    Kitty in my bathroom

    Your DH sounds like mine lol. Two years ago I had 7 cats and the youngest was 5 the oldest was 20. Well as nature would have it, we went through a couple of deaths and as much as my DH lives by the motto "only good cat is a stuffed cat" lol he missed them. Since then I have taken in 6 kittens...
  20. K

    Poor Katkat has to stay home!

    Definately leave a tv on. While she may not physically hear it, she will feel the vibes of it and when she explores she will see something. A radio is good but she won't see what's making the vibe. Also leaving your scent in her space is a good idea. While she behaves like that when you are...