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  1. P

    An update and question

    Hi again. If you remember the thread about my cat's litter of kittens, we kept the one which was tilting it's head - which she no longer does. We named her Taz because she runs around like a nut. The old thread is Anyway, the mother cat...
  2. P

    New to the site, kinda

    Hi all. Name is Kevin and my family has 2 cats, Hemi & Holley (Hemi engine & Holley Carbs). Holley had kittens about 6 wks ago so we have 4 more cats but, we are only keeping 1 of em'. I have no idea what kind they are - nor do I care. They are the run of the mill black & white cats... I will...
  3. P

    Should I worry...

    Hi all. Our cat had kittens 5.5 weeks ago. There are 4 of them and they are pretty cute. One of them has this thing where he (almost) always has it's head tilted to one side. He is also more wobbly than the others. When they were born, the last one had a membrane covering it's whole face...