Search Results

  1. diann

    Do kittens know when to stop?

    I adopted a gorgeous little 4 month old last week (Belvedere). Yesterday, I had him desexed and he wasn't allowed to eat. Today, he is eating all his food and looking for more. Is this because he was so hungry from yesterday or do kittens know when they've had enough food? I have an 8 year old...
  2. diann

    Barney & savage attacks

    My husband found this site in the first place because Barney was so savage from time to time. The advice at the time was that he had been separated from his mother too early to learn how to behave like a nice boy and to hold his head down. I tried that and he nearly screwed his own head off his...
  3. diann

    Barney in more strife!

    Well, we got over the snake bite and Barney was just finishing up his drugs when he got in a fight and was severely bitten about the tail, right at the base. I didn't know that anything had happened until he went off his food. This guy has 4 meals a day so when he doesn't eat anything, we have a...
  4. diann

    Barney bitten by snake yesterday

    He is ok. I guess it had to happen eventually. I went to call him for breakfast yesterday and here he was with another snake and both of them were pretty angry. I tried to grab him but he kept running away and the snake was putting on a fair turn as well. Then he'd let it go and it was striking...
  5. diann

    Problem combing Barney

    Barney has very long straight slightly coarse hair on the outside of his coat and extremely fine silky fluff underneath. He really does need to be combed regularly. The problem is that he turns into the beast from hell when I try to comb him; biting, hissing (yes! hissing!)'s...
  6. diann

    Barney just ate my homework!

    I have taken up cake decorating and for homework, we had to make 5 centres for roses. They have to dry for at least 3 days to work on them. I just made mine and was watching tv and cross stitching (I know, it's a busy life!) and now I find Barney has eaten all my centres! They are made on wire...
  7. diann

    I'd like another baby

    I have a gorgeous baby (Barney) who I think is 12 months old this month. He was abandoned at about 14 weeks and is Lord and Master of this household. The thing is, I'd like to get another baby but I don't want to upset Barney. Should I get a kitten (a bit scared that Barney might give him a hard...
  8. diann

    Just wonderful!

    My husband found this site for me, after I was having some behaviour problems with Barney. The problem is being resolved, thanks to this site, but I've also found somewhere to share my feelings and chat to like minded people. I think it's just wonderful and I love the pictures of the gorgeous...
  9. diann

    I'm new here

    I think it's wonderful to have something like this! My husband found it after I was having problems with my new (have had him 8 months) fur baby. I love cats and at one stage had 14 which I didn't see as a problem but freaked out the rest of the family! My soul mate of 17 years died in December...