Search Results

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    Bio Spot flea and tick

    I gave my kittens Revolution last month, however i have been wondering about the product Bio Spot... does it work... my vet won't give Frontline to cats... so it seems like it is Revolution or OTC...
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    I had the day off today!!! whoo hoo... but due to an injury Memorial day weekend, i was in bed all day... i woke up... lol, around noon... and the kittens and our pup were all in his crate laying down... catching a nap... lol, i tried to take a pic but as soon as i got the camera... it was play...
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    Sick Kitten

    My kittens are acting happy and healthy, however one of them had fresh (red) blood in their stool. although i have 2 litter boxes they both use the same one. I called the emergency vet, and they suggested i watch them to see if i can figure out which one it was. I had a vet appointment Tuesday...
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    clipping kitty's nails

    ok... i am such a baby... i want to clip my kitties' nails... but am kind of nervous to do it... do i need to buy special clippers or can i do it with regular human clippers? what is the best way to clip 8 1/2 old kittens' nails?
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    Spaying 2 female kittens

    Hi, I am adopting 2 female kittens next week. They are going straight to the vet before i take them home. I want to get them spayed as soon as possible. My vet won't spay them until their vaccine series is finished, however at that time she will spay them for about the same place as the mobile...
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    Picking a name for my kitten

    OK... so we have been going back and forth about the name for our kittens who will be joining the family in 2 weeks... so far the final 4 are... Jasmine and Ariel Lana and Ariel Zsa Zsa and Ava Ginger and Marianne Punky and Moo one of the kitties is a calico the other is black and white...
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    Benefit of adopting 2 kittens

    Hi All... My fiance and i decided to adopt 2 kittens instead of 1... we already have a very cat-friendly dog and the kittens were previously socialized with dogs... I keep seeing people say in posts how it is better to adopt 2 rather than just 1 kitten... iwas just curious... other than the...
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    How to choose a good vet

    I am adopting 2 kitties soon, and just moved, in my previous town i just went by friends suggestions, however i know very few people in my new town... i was wondering how everyone else found their vet... i did take my dog to the old vet, but it is quite a drive, and with new kittens it would be...
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    Teaching Kitties to scratch appropriate surfaces

    Hello, I am a newbie here, and to be honest, i won't even be bringing home the kittens that i am adopting for another 2-3 weeks. however, i am trying to get the apartment ready for them. It took me a while to convince my significant other that declawing is totally unnecessary. His family has...
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    Newbie from Atlanta!

    I thought I would come in and introduce myself. My name is Stephanie, I am a 28 year old law student who works part-time at PetSmart! I just recently adopted a kitten who is still being cared for by a rescuce, i have a labrador retriever, and 2 leopard geckos. I am so excited about having a cat...