Search Results

  1. K

    Hi, mom of 2 cats. :)

    Hi everyone, I registered here a while ago, but but haven't been able to post in a long time. Looking forward to participating more often now and getting to know you all. This is a wonderful site, full of information and the enthusiastic fellowship of cat lovers! I have two mewbabies, as...
  2. K

    Pic of my cat - she sits weird...Problem?

    A while ago I posted a thread in Health and Nutrition about an odd posture that my cat sits in. I was able to snap a picture of it from front and side angles. a) Isn't my kitty cute? Of course she is, she is a little princess. b) Has anyone seen this posture before? She'll sit like...
  3. K

    Pic of her sitting weird -- where to post?

    Hi all, remember the previous thread I posted about my kitty sitting weird, and no one's descriptions seemed to match exactly? Well, I was able to snap a picture of this posture from front and side angles. The posting rules say that I cannot post attachments. Is there anywhere I can post this...
  4. K

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies, both with human kids and furkids! 'Cause mommies of furbabies are loving mommies too!
  5. K

    He went psycho biting me today....

    Ok, I thought I had it all figured out. That we were down to gentle play biting that I was trying to discourage. (Everytime he bites, I say HEY! and clap my hands.) Today we played for 2 hours. Then I went to his room to scoop the litter box. When I picked up his poop bag to go scoop he...
  6. K


    Does Feliway work to soothe introductions between cats or is it only for marking/spraying problems? Where can you buy it? Do you find it's been helpful? My cat plays rough too, just like Teddy in a previous thread. DH wants to defer introductions until we've got the biting under control...
  7. K

    Sometimes she sits weird. Problem?

    I don't know how else to describe it. Sometimes she kind of... half sits. She'll sometimes go into a crouching position as opposed to just sitting down. She's supporting her body weight on all fours instead of just sitting down and folding her legs. Sometimes she'll doze off like this...
  8. K

    Dominance issues, breaking up catfights. Help?

    Glitch's post about dominance issues raises a couple questions that I'd like to address to this wise forum. - What are the signs of a serious problem between them - i.e. warning signs of a serious cat fight? Do you guys normally have to take your cats to the vet over injuries arising from...
  9. K

    Cat food debate?

    I was trying to reply to a thread in IMO but was informed that I cannot access that part of the site (??). Anyway, the thread was about cat food -- premium vs store brand. Can anyone help give me a handle on this debate? The only advice I've ever gotten from my vet was not to buy say, the...
  10. K

    Help with socialization, 6 mth old stray

    Hi everyone, I am new on these boards, and introduced myself in the new cats thread. I have a 6 year old female domesticated cat, and just took in a 6 month old stray kitten last week. There he was, by the stairs in a train station, meowing and reaching out with his paw to everyone who came...
  11. K


    Hi everyone, I just found this site while searching for advice how to socialize stray cats! I have one domesticated cat, who is 6 and very mellow, and found a stray kitten last week at the train station. Well, I couldn't just leave the little guy there. So he's home with me. You'll be...