Search Results

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    Kitten/cat clothing?

    Hey, I think you can find kittens clothes at a pet store... I couldn't find anything on line...
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    Cat Using Toilet?

    Hey, I think you should listen to your wife... It's very important your cat will use the litter box and not the toilet, because this will allow you to check his wastes when you clean the litter box... your cat's wastes can tell a lot about his health condition (color, worms etc...).
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    I miss my kitty...

    Hey, I know exactly what you mean... I own three cats, and the only reason we kept all three of them is because we got attached to them so much, it was impossible for us to give them away. I'm sure the cat you've given away will adjust to his new home, it will take some time, but meanwhile, so...
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    My boys are awesome!

    Hey, It's so great to hear your cats help you and comfort you. I believe animals feel when their owners are in a bad mood, or when something is wrong, and even react to it physically. They have such a pure soul!!! Any way, I hope you are better.
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    behaviour question...i need some help!

    Hey, First of all, congratulations!!! second of all, I really think you should take your mom cat to the vet, and of course, neuter her, before she will hurt her kittens...
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    Car surfing cat

    Maybe cats do have nine lives...
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    Does anyone else wander with their cat?

    Hey, I own three cats, but only one likes to follow me around everywhere... She is so cute and clever... When I come out of my room with an empty plate, she meows a lot and it's so funny to hear that... she follows me to the kitchen, begging for some leftovers... lol
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    Severe guilt over travel

    I know what you mean, I hate leaving my cats alone as well, but they are three so it's much easier. What breed is your cat? He sounds very social... Maybe you should consider adopting another cat, that way your beloved cat will have a friend when you are gone. Is it not an option at all to take...
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    Driving me nuts

    Hi, It can relay be difficult for your cat to get used to become an indoor cat only, after being an outdoor cat as well, so what I can suggest you is to buy a leash and go out with him for a walk in the evening hours and see how that will work. Any way, you are absolutely right you don't want to...
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    Belly Rub

    Cats usually don't like being touched in heir belly, but if your cat roles over for you and exposes her belly, it means she trusts you.
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    Belly brushing

    I agree with Shanynne, my cats also let me brush them and it works just fine...
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    Baby Wipes

    Yes, I used baby wipes on my cats when they were kittens and it worked like magic... it's lucky they exist...
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    scary news!!!

    I am so sorry to read that you are being forced not to own a pet... especially a cat, which is an amazing animal! I certainty wouldn't get rid of my cats, I would hide them if necessary, they can't just serch your house to find them... if it won't help, I would simply move to another place. I...
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    Great Grooming Aid For Long Haired Kitties

    Hey, Thank you for sharing this information...
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    Cage Training?

    Hey, I have a question, how do your cats behave after they are in the cage for couple of hours? Do they look relaxsed? Are they taking it o.k?
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    I feel so guilty!

    Hey, I think what can help is what "proudmomof3cats" said, and I think you can even give him a treat after you finish... I'm sure it will help a bit. GOOD LUCK
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    Unburied Treasure...

    Hey, I don't think it's a serious problem. I own three cats and they usually cover their wastes, but sometimes, when I open the litter box to clean, I notice they don't cover all the time.
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    Two trips--what to do with my kitty?

    Hey, In my opinion, when you go to your first trip, I know I would feel relaxed leaving my cat in my parents home, because they would treat her the best way and I won't have to worry so much. I know you said they have five more cats, but if it's necessary, they can put her in a different room...
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    multiple litter boxes

    Hey, well, if your parents home is very big, more then one litter box will be recommended, but because the house has 2 stories, I think that even one litter box will be fine, just make sure to place it in an accessible place and show your cat where you put it. I haven't heard that having more...
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    introducing my kitten on friday

    Good luck with the introduction. I own three cats and it wasn't easy introducing them together at the begining, a lot of hissing... but once they get used to one another they even like to cuddle.