Search Results

  1. U

    Cat has become a basket case!

    Some of you may vaguely remember Punkin, the paw-washer. He's always generally been a nice cat to the family, shy or scared around strangers, and a complete bloodthirsty, murderous, holy terror at the vet. I'm worried about him at the moment, though. His attitude has really changed. To set...
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    Someone else's cat "decorating" my front porch

    Yes, I appear to have a cat who thinks my front steps are a litter box. This hits me as really weird, because my cats have never been out on the porch, and hey, there's no nice soft dirt to dig in on my stairs! I mean, I'm no great housekeeper, but sheesh! Anyway, any ideas on how to keep...
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    Learning to give cat a wellness exam

    I'm looking for references on what to look for if I were to do a basic wellness exam on Punkin. The why and wherefore of all this is because Punkin is a nice pleasant cat for me... but he's a monster at the vet. This isn't just your average angry cat, either; they've admitted that he's the...
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    The ol' peanut butter hairball treatment... and some odd results

    So I discovered the PB treatment this fall. Worked like a charm, except for one problem--Honey suddenly became a very greasy cat. Anyone else ever see this? I'm guessing that Honey must have been pretty oily to begin with, and like a teenager eating too much chocolate, the PB resulted in more...
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    Sore hocks?

    Anyone here ever have cats with sore hocks? Punkin's not caged, but his hind legs look like what I've seen on hutch rabbits before. My only guess is that he's been sleeping on a wire shelf that I had in their room (since removed) or biting himself. Any ideas? Would linoleum do this? They...
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    Paw washing

    Hi all, new to the site here. I have a pair of cats, mother and son. They're currently fighting off a bladder infection, and that fact has allowed me to observe something rather strange. I've always had a lot of trouble keeping the water dishes clean (which is probably what spawned the...