Search Results

  1. C

    Four months with my cat

    I have spent four months now with my new cat. He was a five months stray when my friend found him. I have a hard time understanding all the hype around them. People treat them as if they were human, a companion, even a "child." They are conceited, boorish, and manipulative creatures. I don't...
  2. C

    Flabby Kitten Belly

    Hi there! I have an eigth month male kitten neutered about two months ago. I just noticed two days ago that he has a small hanging flabby belly. He is lean and I regularly monitor his weight and this really surprised me! Ive searched on forums to find out what could have caused this and have...
  3. C

    Cat Anger and Frustration

    Hi everybody! I'm new to this forum and new to cats (I had a cocker spaniel when I was a kid). I've had my little Skeemer for about two months and a half now. He was a five month old stray given by a friend of mine. I've been trying to research as much as possible on the web to learn about...