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  1. emeraldsongbird

    Leaving my baby :(

    You know, I've come to the point where I'm not even excited to go on vacation anymore! I hate leaving Bella behind. It's very emotional. What's funny is, she gets SO sassy. I bring my suitcase out, and she sits on top of it or in it, and just glares at me. And when I try to get close to...
  2. emeraldsongbird

    A new furry family member?

    So, my best friend's cat had kittens. There's four of them, and they're all precious, only a week old so far. Which means I have a few weeks to contemplate the addition of a new kitten to our home. There are two things that make me reserved about this. First and absolutely foremost, I live...
  3. emeraldsongbird

    Armadillo Lizards?

    Anyone know anything about Armadillo Lizards? I've done some research, and I have yet to ask my dad about them (he's busy since it's the end of the semester). But if anyone has any experience or is versed in them, please contribute. I have been looking at these lizards for a long time. They...
  4. emeraldsongbird

    Meowmy's Day?

    I think this is a good place to state my argument. As we all know, Sunday is Mother's Day. I argued last year and I maintain this argument, that I should be recognized as a mother. Bella may be a furbaby, but she's still my BABY. And I'm not sure if I can have kids, but I know I will always...
  5. emeraldsongbird

    Kinda P.O.ed

    Well, today we were getting some of the carpet in our house replaced. The installers were an hour late. When they got here, I put Bella into me and my sister's shared bathroom -- the only safe place (they had the front door open and they needed all our doors to be open to install the new...
  6. emeraldsongbird

    Athens Zoo!

    Athens, GEORGIA, that is. Of course I love animals. Well, there's this little park by downtown Athens where you can walk through for free, and they have a pretty bare collection but still cool. We saw three alligators (small ones, which I thought were cute and my mom thought I was crazy)...
  7. emeraldsongbird

    Hearing Things

    Well it's the Spring season and lots of creepy-crawlies have been making their merry way into my room. So when I heard a kind of loud slithering noise, like paper crinkling as something moved passed it, my head came up fast. I looked all around and noticed this paper sack I'd kept in my room...
  8. emeraldsongbird

    Malibu went to the Groom Room!

    I took my niece to get groomed yesterday. You can tell she is so much happier to have all her hair off, especially in this Georgia heat! Isn't she precious?
  9. emeraldsongbird


    So, I've been going through some pretty bad stuff with family. My heart has utterly been torn to shreds. My mom came up to talk me through some stuff while I was hysterically sobbing and crying... and then Bella came and sat on my lap, with her paws up on my chest, and she looked me in the...
  10. emeraldsongbird

    NBC show "Chuck" being canceled?!?!

    The shows I get hooked to always seem to get canceled. It was this way with Moonlight, which I thought was one of the more quality vampire shows I'd seen in a long time. Now it's Chuck, and I'm devastated! I don't watch too much TV, but when I do Chuck is one of my main shows. The...
  11. emeraldsongbird


    Hahaha so somehow I JUST now discovered Skype and I think it's one of the best things ever invented! I just talked to my mom (who was downstairs at the other computer LOL) and it was hilarious. This will do wonders for me and my long-distance boyfriend!!!
  12. emeraldsongbird

    Seventh-Day as Sabbath?

    Just curious, does anyone else keep Friday sundown through Saturday sundown as the Sabbath?
  13. emeraldsongbird

    Mother Hen?!

    Okay, so I reached for my camera and she started coming toward me so I missed the opportunity. But I looked up from the computer and Bella had her paw on this polar bear stuffed animal I have, and she was like, bathing its little head!!! I was like, "What in the world are you doing, Bella?"...
  14. emeraldsongbird

    Time is absolutely flying!

    Does anyone else feel like time is just flying by? I feel like I blinked and it's the end of my sophomore year of college already. I'm sitting here swamped in stuff I put off thinking I'd have enough time to get to. As of now, I have due: 1) A paper on ancient Egyptian culture 2) A...
  15. emeraldsongbird

    My special Daisy girl

    Daisy was abused when she was a puppy, and apparently it was by a man who wore a hat, because she is wary of such. We adopted her from a shelter a day before she was supposed to be put to sleep. She is a half-lab, half-shepherd mix and I don't know what I'd do without her. When we adopted...
  16. emeraldsongbird

    Just some 2009 pics of Bella

    With the first catnip toy she's ever been interested in! The Diva on the new rug. Chillin' with her dog sister, Daisy. Watching over her room.
  17. emeraldsongbird


    You know what's annoying? When someone asks me if my sweetheart was named after the Twilight Bella. Ummmm... no? If I try and defend myself I sound dumb. But really. I had Bella a long time before I even knew of Twilight. Speaking of, my plans were to name my first-born daughter...
  18. emeraldsongbird

    Dash and Bella... being catty?

    So, let's see if this convoluted web can be solved by any of you... Bella is the princess in the house. More often than not she stays in our room, because it's a huge space and that's where she's comfortable; that, and we are letting the dogs in and out all the time and I'm terrified of her...
  19. emeraldsongbird

    Finding Yourself

    Okay so, I'm utterly amazed at the fact that I'm posting something so personal like this right now, but I have no where else to turn, it seems. I'm afraid to talk to my parents about it, and I need a new perspective on things rather than the predictable advice I receive from old friends. I've...
  20. emeraldsongbird

    Bella randomly not going in litter box

    Okay... My baby has NEVER EVER gone outside her litter box. She's a little over one year old, and she's been the best cat ever. For some reason, last week, she peed on a comforter I had been using to exercise on; at least, I think it was her, after recent events transpired. Sunday night, I...