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  1. M

    Filmmaking Pictures

    I know that not many can look at still pics of a movie & be able to recognize a lighting style or the genre, but here are a few shots from TREES: THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL, the comedy about killer xmas trees that I was Director of Photography on, starring Ron Palillo (Horshack of Welcome Back...
  2. M

    Do your cats ever...

    1. Make you feel guilty by constantly rubbing against your legs when your on the pc? 2. Give you LOTS of love til' you feed them, then say "what the hell do you want?" when you go to them for attention? 3. Right after you've cleaned your entire home, they race thru it at 200mph & knock stuff...
  3. M

    HI everyone, I'm finally back online!!!

    So, whats new? Hows everyone? Did Anne ever get that book? Socrates & Tiger are doing fine, fatter than ever. New cat joke I recently heard: Dogs have masters, cats have staff.
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    Hello all! Your missed! But, I'll be back online in 2-3 weeks

    Hey everyone. Socrates & Tiger are doing fine. Socrates ran out my open front door in a rain storm & it took all of 5 seconds for him to run back in sopping wet. Lil Tiger's fine. I'm catsitting another Tiger kitty (my nephew, my best friend Helen's cat-the girl I wrote those poems about in the...
  5. M

    Hello everyone, it's been a long time...

    Hi everyone! Sorry that I've been gone for a while. My pc crashed last summer and I have yet to have another. I'm at a friends house at the moment and just wanted to say hello. I only see a few familiar names posting, but for those new ones, HI, I'm Chuck in Florida. Hey, Anne, did that cat...
  6. M

    Hi All! Here's the menu design for my film on DVD. This is where I've been...

    Just thought I'd share the menu design with everyone, say Hi. This is where I've been lately, busy trying to FINALLY fisnish my last film. It is now, for all intensive purposes, completed. The DVD buttons have changed and the DVD itself is now far more indepth and packed with trailer, outtakes...
  7. M

    INSOMNIA (Again).....Any Ideas How To Beat This?

    It's 8 am and I slept for about 30 mins. I've had 11 hrs sleep in 3 days and I'm going nuts from lack of sleep. What can i do short of drugging myself silly, which I hate doing? Not even having my cats next to me is doing it and usually that helps. I'm SOOOOOO tired!
  8. M

    A Formal Apology To Those Offended By Those Of Us In The Foxhole

    First, I would like to extend my heartfelt apologies to anyone that was offended by anything that I said in my contributions to some of the threads. I can only express my own apologies and hope that, for those were offended, you will find it in your heart to forgive. Until Gayef's post I simply...
  9. M

    Marriage...How Soon Is Too Soon?

    I just love all these interesting topics lately. OK, if two people meet and fall in love and within a month they get married, is that too soon? I think it is. And just like my comment in the kids thread, I think it should be required that 2 people date and/or live together for at least 2-3...
  10. M

    Everyone from a DIFFERENT country than the U.S. - A question for you?

    Would everyone from another country please tell me your $money$ exchanges to the US dollar? And, how does one figure if the value of one is worth more or less than that of another country? And how about between other countries than the US. This confuses the hell out of me. A Lira to a dollar...
  11. M

    Euthanasia For Humans - Right or wrong?

    OK, many of us have had to euthanise a dear, beloved pet at one time or another due to a deathly illness or injury where the animal was suffering. I have had to do this (I believe I've told you all of Delilah) and cried like a baby in the process. OK, well, what about human euthanasia? For...
  12. M

    OK, My Turn To Spark Some Contoversial Discussions (Get Ready Kittyfoot)

    First, let me say that 99% of the time I don't think it's possible to live this kind of lifestyle and keep a marriage/relationship together. That said: If two people have been together for 10-15 yrs and, though they still completely love each other, they want to add some spice to their...
  13. M

    Mary Ann, The cat book has landed safely in Florida!

    It just got here today! I've read a little bit of it to Socrates and Tiger and they seem to agree so far. The picture of your babies are so beautiful! I just love it when cats all ball up together and sleep! It's so darn cute. And Tums looks exactly like Socrates! But, everyone will see that...
  14. M

    LITTERBOX EXPRESSIONS....Have you seen this?

    Only my friend Laura has admitted that she sometimes watches her kitties when they're using the litterbox. Have you ever seen this? They get this cute little expression their faces, like "Look! I'm busy! Can I have some privacy please?!" or "What? Just because I come to the bathroom when you do...
  15. M

    To Peaches, Fern and Brutus - A Memorial Dedication

    Just this side of heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies, one who has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to the Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends where they can run and play together. There is plenty of food...
  16. M

    How is everyone???

    I apologize for not being around much lately. I have been SO busy with stuff (Life, Max, etc) that I have had little time online except to check my email. I've seen some posts that I wanted to respond to, but by the time I take a quick look it's late and I'm too tired to type. But, I just wanted...
  17. M

    I've a question for everyone????

    What city and state (or country) does everyone live in? I'm just curious, because I may be doing some traveling to the west coast soon to assist with publicity in the Max trial and would just love to meet you all! I know it says where to the left, but I wanted to see it in one long thread for...
  18. M

    I've been busy and I miss everyone

    I went to work for a few days as soon as I got back from Mom & Dads, but I wanted to say HELLO to everyone. I just got home from work and I'm EXTREMELY tired and going to bed. I will post more as soon as I can. I haven't forgotten you cats. To quote one of my favorite movies "I'll be back".
  19. M

    I'm Off To See Mom & Dad & Leaving The Kitties In Charge

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm heading out to see my Mom and Dad and spending a few days at their place. My friend & neighbor Ana is going to be checking on and feeding the babies while I'm away. So, everyone have a great rest of the week and I'll meow at everyone upon my return...
  20. M

    I'M Off To Party & Intoxicate Myself Over the Hill

    I see so many new posts that I would love to respond to and take the time to read, but it's 6:15 pm and I have to leave for my party, which starts tonight and will extend into tomorrow, my 35th. So, I just wanted to say thank you all and I will "talk" to everyone tomorrow night! Take care and...