Search Results

  1. T

    The OTHER Emergency Vet

    There is a public Wall Street Journal site that has a link to the article about people now sending their pet fish to the vet for surgery. However, as you've already found out, that link requires a log-in/password to connect to it. I tried every other internet news server/search engine I could...
  2. T

    The OTHER Emergency Vet

    Oops, I thought that was a public link. I'll look for another one.
  3. T

    The OTHER Emergency Vet

    Though not a cat item, this is strange enough that I thought you might enjoy it. Today's Wall St. Journal has a front page article on surgeons who operate on pet fish. Fish ownership is "growing faster than dogs, cats, lizards, or any other pet type, according to the American Pet Products...
  4. T

    Need Advice

    There's another aspect of a cat's biting behavior to be aware of, Jeff24Girl. That is bacterial infection. Hospital emergency rooms will tell you that cat bite wounds are more likely to be infected than dog bite wounds. Although our cats are cute and cuddly, their mouths are typically a...