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  1. C

    Looking for a good dog fourm is a really good site, lots of nice people and advice.
  2. C

    Grieving or picking up on my stress?

    We recently had to put one of our three cats down due to kidney cancer.  Its been two weeks and the humans in the house are dealing, but still sad at times.  Yesterday, I went and picked up the ashes (we had Bernard cremated) and when I got home I was overwhelmed and had a bit of a crying fit. ...
  3. C

    Car sick cat?

    I just wanted to thank everyone for their suggestions. The vet said I could give Bernard 1/2 of a dramamine less drowsy a few hours before the trip and if he does have a motion sickness problem that would help him and stay in his system for about 24 hours. I think I will try some of the...
  4. C

    Chance has heart murmur.. Need advice/stories of similar experiences

    My cat Capone who is 8 years old has had a heart murmur his entire life. My vet said we could do things like get an ultrasound or other tests to see what kind of a murmur it is, but I was not aware of the murmur until he was over a year old and it has not changed in intensity. The vet said we...
  5. C

    Car sick cat?

    My cat Bernard seems to get car sick. I am taking him in tomorrow for his annual vet checkup and I will ask the vet about this, but I thought you all might have had a similar experience or some advice. Bernard is about 5 1/2 years old and we adopted him when he was 1 1/2. He has one...
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    Keeping food stations separate

    I can try keeping Capone in another room to eat, but how long should I give him for each feeding? He usually just eats about four or five kibbles and then walks away, only to return 10 to 15 minutes later. Will he learn to eat larger amounts in a given time period? I like the idea of the...
  7. C

    Keeping food stations separate

    Hello everyone, I hope this is the right forum for this question, but please move if necessary. I have three cats, one of which eats in a separte room from the other two. This is for two reasons, one he needs special food due to having a bladder stone 2 years ago. The other is that he...