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  1. S

    How Could This Happen??

    I heard about this earlier today and could not believe what I was reading.... Link to original That has got to be the most tragic story I think I have ever heard! HOW CAN A PARENT EVER DO SUCH A THING! I mean I had a really tough life...
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    After losing Sadie last week I sure have gotten quite attached to my SO's dog. He is 1.3 yrs old and has many wonderful things ahead of him. We are relocating to Vancouver Island in March, and are hoping that the adjustment of the move will be ok with him. I'd thought that I would share, and...
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    This morning was a really hard morning, Sadie passed away through the night. The hardest part about losing her is that I never had a chance to say goodbye to her, I could not be there for her final moments. The strangest thing is that I actually had a good nights sleep, I never sleep well...
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    Opinions Needed!!!!!!!

    I am posting here with some hope that I can get some advice..... Topic: Teenagers and Sex Background: 14yr old niece came to me and wanted some advice on how she should deal with her BF pressuring her to to give him, well oral you know..... My Sister has some friends over on New yrs eve...
  5. S

    Kitty Video Thread!!

    I saw these this morning and thought that I'd share. If you have one, post it up!! Old Classic from AMV! and another WOW lol!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have nightmares! This one although funny, is kinda mean =( Have a great day!!! Kim =)
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    Any Advice?

    Hi Everyone, I am new to the site and am also a new cat owner, so I thought you may be able to help me out~ My Cat Sadie - is 3yrs old, indoor cat, spayed, usually fairly active, eats, has normal activity in her litter box etc. I adopted her from a friend at 2... Problem - When I arrived home...