Search Results

  1. jenwales

    Consistency similar to Halo Spot's Stew

    Hi everyone.  I haven't been here in forever.  A couple of my cats love Spot's Stew but of course leave every bit of the vegetables.  I'm not surprised that they don't eat peas and carrots, but I feel like I'm wasting money buying ingredients they don't eat even though they lick every last bit...
  2. jenwales

    Elizabethan Collar and Catbox

    I wasn't sure whether to put this here or in Behavior, but here goes. Our recently adopted, almost 17 year old cat George had an abscess on his head which was drained yesterday.  He was given an antibiotic and is wearing the collar.  I forgot to ask how long he needs to wear it (duh!).  The...
  3. jenwales

    Need some help - 16 year old diabetic

    We've just (2 days ago) taken in a relative's 16 year old cat.  According to them, he was diagnosed with diabetes in July but they have not treated him.  We have a vet appointment on Thursday. George is a really sweet, friendly cat.  His coat looks horrible (dull and very flaky), he's skinny...
  4. jenwales

    For Tucker Bee

    We brought you and your brother home as 4 month olds in November 2011.  Your name was Tucker, but we referred to you as Nips, because you and Roland were taken away from your mama too early and you suckled yourself.  He suckled blankets.  After a few months you outgrew your suckling issue and...
  5. jenwales

    Coccidiosis - recovery time

    We brought home two new kittens a little over a month ago.  They were 4 months old and their stool sample revealed coccidia.  Both have had mushy stool since we brought them home, but no diahrrea...they go once or twice a day in the box and are extremely active and playful.  There are no signs...
  6. jenwales

    Introducing kittens to a 3 cat household

    We just adopted two 3-month old kittens into our household of 3 adult cats (ages 3, 2, and 1).  The kittens are quarantined and will be for another week or so.  Will my adults (none of whom are aggressive but all of whom are rambunctious) instinctively know to be gentle with the little ones or...
  7. jenwales

    Stool Sample - I'm embarassed to ask this.

    I have had cats for 18 years and have never had to obtain a stool sample for any of them...until now! We just adopted a kitten and the vet wants to check for parasites. I have the little collection container. Do they need a whole, um, product, or just a chunk of one?
  8. jenwales

    Gravy lickers

    Both of my girls (ages 2 and 1) are canned food gravy lickers. No matter what food I've tried (dozens, I'm sure), they simply suck the moisture out of the food and leave the meat. Does it matter if the gravy comes from a premium food or not? VeRUS and Merrick are their favorites, but they...
  9. jenwales

    Farewell Jack

    My Jack crossed the bridge this morning. He had fibrosarcoma. He deserves the biggest tribute but because I can barely see to type through the tears I will just say this: I love you Jack. Thank you for being my best friend.
  10. jenwales

    Where are a cat's lymph nodes?

    Jack has 2 pea sized hard lumps kind of right behind his front leg betwen his "arm pit" and his trunk. Make any sense? He has a vet appointment tomorrow morning to check them out and I'm hoping it is not a recurrence of a tumor he had removed a few inches from there. These lumps feel nothing...
  11. jenwales

    Potassium supplementation for healthy cat

    I'm not doing it on purpose. One of my cats (Jack) is on Tumil-K powder, 1/4 tsp twice daily in his food. He typically leaves about 1/4 of his food, takes a potty break, and then returns to finish up. If I happen to look away for a minute, my 8 month old kitten moves to Jack's dish and eats...
  12. jenwales

    My Babies - Jack, Lily and Boo

    This is 2 year old Lily and 12ish year old Jack. Yes, Jack is on a diet. : This is our new sweetie, Boo. She's 8 months old or so:
  13. jenwales

    Hyperthyroidism in an obese cat

    Jack had surgery last week to remove a fibrosarcoma. His initial bloodwork indicated a thyroid issue so a T4 test was done and apparently Jack has hyperthyroidism. Jack is quite fat, beautiful coat, has no excessive thirst issues, and is not lethargic (well, he is now but he's recovering from...
  14. jenwales

    How do you tape a cat's foot to keep him from scratching a wound.

    My cat had surgery on Friday and the vet taped his foot so Jack wouldn't scratch at his stitches (on his trunk). It took a day and a half but Jack managed to get the tape off, and our two attempts at taping didn't last long. How tight should it be?
  15. jenwales

    Should you crate/cage a cat recovering from surgery?

    My sweet Jack is undergoing surgery today. Fibrosarcoma. The prognosis isn't good but he still has a great quality of life and I want to give him every chance to live out his days in comfort. I've been reading up on how to care for a cat post-surgery and some sites recommend crating the cat...
  16. jenwales

    Just adopted a ten month old...switching food

    Her name is Lily and she is a sweetheart. She's a skinny sweetheart who was apparently raised on Friskies dry and that's all she'll eat. We have another cat (Jack) who eats only Wellness and Avoderm canned. Lily shows no interest at all in canned food. She sniffs it and walks away. I'm ok...
  17. jenwales

    What's up for the weekend?

    Saturday night will be tree decorating night at my house, a very big event for my family. I'll spend all day baking and making appetizers, then all night eating and directing the decorating. Sunday is football day. I had planned to go out and finish up my shopping, but it looks like the...
  18. jenwales

    Is the cat box comfortable?

    It must be, because every so often Jack takes a nap in there. He's not having any potty issues, but loves to lie in the box. Why? I guess maybe he's just a weirdo.