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  1. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    That's little Ginger's old box i brought him a huge new one, filled it with the same stuff and he would not go in it, instead he went beside it and pulled the stones out the box to cover up All my pets have been strays and he is most certainly the strangest. Thanks also for the info on...
  2. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    Many thanks for your replies it seems strange to get good advice for free i will certainly be making enquires about Feliway and also Anaflora as it may help Ginger as she is now terrified and spends all day under the sideboard since hissy had a go at her, but at least she's seen the vet and...
  3. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    That comment is both unhelpful and rude. I am not impatient, true i am very much a learner and i have apparently greatly underestimated the time involved in socialising him, but if it takes years then that's no big deal. Yes, i agree in hissy's case outside is probably best for him but there is...
  4. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    Wow that's a bit much it saddens me that i have given you an impression that i am impatient its been over seven months since i found hissy laying in the road following a RTA. Surly with my lack of knowledge and currently no vet support its not to unreasonable for me to post some of his behaviour...
  5. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    Hmmm Thanks for your replys Seems like all the decent flea treatment is hidden away at the vets is that not stupid my usual vet is no longer interested in him (don't like ferals) due to his bad behaviour, Guess i can get some when ginger comes in and i can take her to the vet to get the tail...
  6. H

    Feral rescue still aggressive towards resident cat

    Hi (1) Despite weeks of trying My 3 year old feral rescue Hissy is still having issues socialising with other cats i have read all the information sent me and the thread on "Introducing a new cat to your old cat" and followed its recommendations carefully but when it comes to them actually...
  7. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Thanks for that Id been trying different foods i thought he growled at his food because he didn't like it, rather like my wife when i do the cooking Picture Ginger 14 years old and never a problem but i do worry should she meet hissy
  8. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Sorry furball100 it took me so long to reply but I had to find out from the vet what breed he was and he reckons a Domestic Shorthair and they come in all sizes You probably need to start a thread elsewhere for breed suggestions that meets you requirements Thank you Hissy ( forum Member ) very...
  9. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Thanks for all your help i have bit better news about hissy today i left the trap door to the basement under the stairs open and about 5 hours later hissy emerged and started rolling around on a paper covered in catnip, like he did before the enclosure see pic below everything was fine until he...
  10. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    I cannot win they are setting off fireworks 8 days ahead of firework night and hissy my feral cat was going bonkers again and trying escape through the shed window luckily I had chicken mesh in front but he has still managed to break the window and is bleeding from his nose again, I gave in...
  11. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Thanks for your help Hissy is in the shed at the moment and seems more relaxed but its damp and full of spiders, also its like a prison so i rarther he did not spend to much time in there. so i am preparing the loft its a large warm unused area its even got windows i thought he might benefit...
  12. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Prior to the enclosure there was hopeful signs like he would approach me for catnip but since he has been in the enclosure its all growls and hisses i cannot let him out again because he fights neighbourhood cats worse than this he pursued next door cat through there cat flap to continue the...
  13. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Thanks for your suggestions and i do feed him well according to the vet him weighs a fraction over 20 pounds the biggest feral he has seen. I never been much good at taking photos
  14. H

    Goes berserk in enclosure

    Hi Heeelp I am still having major issues with hissy a feral I rescued, since he has been in his enclosure and when he sees another cat he goes berserk and runs at the wire following such an incident he is now growling and grimacing and sneezing blood and has done something to ear as well. I...
  15. H

    Is to much catnip harmful

    Thank you for your responses i am pleased that i am not doing him any permanent harm and that he wont need weaning off, its also good to get some advice for free thanks. Today has not been so good he has done another squirrel in and then spent all day trying to escape from the garden
  16. H

    Is to much catnip harmful

    Hi first a brief history I rescued Hissy from a busy roadside after being injured in a RTA following some expensive veterinary treatment i leafleted the area but nobody claimed him, since then i have been feeding hissy in the shed at home (his preference) it has recently become necessary to...