Search Results

  1. C

    Could really use some vibes

    My mom's cat, Chrissy, is a appx a 16 year old siamese that has lost 3 pounds in the past year. She's getting blood work and urinalysis on Friday if she makes it that long. She's down to 5 lbs. She has no prior known health issues except the sudden decline in appetite. Vet will determine root...
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    So I had a crisis with my barely 4 year old, black and tan, delight of my life tabby cat due to a urinary blockage. Rushed her to the Emerg. vet 2/27, she had surgery 2/28 to remove about 6 stones the size of peas or small rocks, and many more smaller stones. Peanut is doing just beautiful...
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    Vibes for Peanut

    I came home from running errands and noticed my black and tan female Tabby cat didn't want to sit down and meowing with an urgency.... Watched her for about half an hour and made the gut call to take her to the emergency vet. Vet felt her bladder was swollen and took her to drain the bladder...
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    Help with skin/coat issue?

    My black and white cat, Moo, has developed a patchy loss of fur spots that come and go. Vet checked for bacterial/fungal, both negative. Already gave her an antibiotic shot and cortisone shot a couple of weeks ago to see if it helps. Going to take her back to the vet on Monday for another...
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    URI relief

    Peanut is 2 years old now and is sick for the first time, dx'd bronchitis, rx'd antibiotics. No fever. She's been sneezing and coughing moderately and is a little congested. Would a humidifier help relieve the congestion? The humidity has actually been low-for-Florida lately, so I was thinking...
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    Cat being left on patio at all hours

    I need some opinions. I can't imagine this could be considered humane, but maybe it's "mommy" instinct since my cats are like children to me. My boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment complex about 4 weeks ago, 3 stories. We're on the 3rd story. We kept hearing a cat at all hours of the...
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    Bank Irregularity?

    Has anyone else seen this before? I bank with Bank of America. I've never had a problem with them before, and I called at 5:00 this morning when I noticed it and the lady in the "lost / stolen" dept (the only dept open at that hour) was very nice about looking at my account with me but she...
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    More Moo

    I just love the little black spot on her nose
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    New addition to the herd

    Meet Moo My better half brought her home last night. She went to the vet today for her first set of vaccinations, flea treatment and worm treatment. She'll be a healthy baby soon.
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    Dislocated knee?

    Please help. You guys were so great when I first adopted my little girl, I hope you can help now. My vet is already closed. I got home from work not that long ago and it seems like Peanut may have dislocated her left rear knee. She is favoring her right hind leg, and limping a little bit with...
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    12 year old male cat

    Hi guys, I couldn't really find a thread addressing the issue we're having with a 12 year old red tabby my dad has. Dad is taking him to the vet anyway because he has put on alot of weight in a short amount of time and has been drinking alot of water, so we're concerned about diabetes or kidney...
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    RIP kitty....

    Yesterday was a reaaaallly rough day.... and I need to write about it to just kind of get over it... so I'm an accountant for a concrete cutting company, I was back from my lunch break, and the two collections girls had gone for pizza. They come back and Jo came into our office area, "CARRIE...
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    Ow. Teaching her that her claws hurt?

    I don't think kitten realizes how sharp her claws are. We were playing last night when she swatted my hand, hooking a claw in my finger and giving me a good slice. What I've been trying to do, which worked with my persian, is grabbing her paws when she starts getting too rough with her claws and...
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    Kitten help

    I recently rescued an approximately 6 week old kitten. Recently as in I found her in a hole last night, no mommy anywhere near by and no mommy turned up for several hours, and she's been home for 24 hours. It's been a long time since I've taken care of a kitten, so I'm not sure what's normal...