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  1. C

    Could really use some vibes

    I'm confused at the vet's recommendations. I may post this as a separate thread to get more insight but - I know low protein/phosphorus/magnesium is important for kidney issues. The vet recommended a food below 22% protein/.5% phosphorus/.3% sodium. I don't even see rX foods that meet this...
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  3. C

    Could really use some vibes

    Mom called me last night to let me know Chrissy's appetite is returning. Vet results were promising and his instincts were on point, her kidney panels are somewhat off normal and her kidneys are starting to show their age. BUN and creatinine levels were elevated, but weren't as bad as we...
  4. C

    Struvite confused

    The biggest thing here in my mind is a positive dX by xray or urinalysis. I might have missed a post and I apologize if I did. My mother has a stones kitty and I have a stones kitty so I do have at least a little knowledge of the area. My girl, a stray mackerel tabby cat rescued at around 4...
  5. C

    Could really use some vibes

    My mom's cat, Chrissy, is a appx a 16 year old siamese that has lost 3 pounds in the past year. She's getting blood work and urinalysis on Friday if she makes it that long. She's down to 5 lbs. She has no prior known health issues except the sudden decline in appetite. Vet will determine root...
  6. C

    Struvite and food

    Farleyv's and Otto's advice is VERY important to note. Nothing is guaranteed and each kitty is different. If you are going to switch off of rX food, I really encourage frequent check ups and a cooperative vet to stay ahead of the curve. Mom's siamese went in for check ups monthly for the first...
  7. C

    Struvite and food

    Hi Kit E Kat, While my advice is no substitute for that of a vet (even though vets will tell you to keep them on rX food for liability reasons), I have some experience with struvite kitties, both male and female. It really depends on gender, breed, and how far you are willing to go to reduce...
  8. C

    Vibes for my cat E

    Much love and lots of ! I'm glad he finally ate something!
  9. C

    senior cat not eating in new enviroment

    My cat was hospitalized on a Sunday, had surgery to remove baldder stones on Monday, and sent home on Tuesday out of the concern of her not eating during in-patient care. She was otherwise recovering very well. The motivation for the early release was concern of the fatty liver issue...
  10. C

    Vibes for Neffie

    Wow. The pneumonia must be pretty serious to mis-dX as a stroke. Much love and vibes!!
  11. C

    cat shaking her head and pawing at ears more so than normal

    Policies vary by vet with re: dispensing flea/tick/parasite combo drugs without a consult that same day. My general experience has been: If your pet had a wellness check-up at that office within the past year, they will dispense without a consult.
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    With re: glands - Any time I drop them off e.g. dental cleanings, I always specifically request that they check the glands and express if possible. They usually go in twice a year, earlier in the year for routine shots/check up, then later in the year for cleanings. Thanks for the reassurance...
  13. C

    Strange dilemma with fixing...a "male" tortie..

    The extra chromosome condition itself needed for a boy calico is pretty rare! True hermaphroditism (as I suspect is the link you are making) is extremely rare and not related to extra or lacking chromosomes. Without getting super-detailed, there's XX and XY hermaphroditism, where you're...
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    So I had a crisis with my barely 4 year old, black and tan, delight of my life tabby cat due to a urinary blockage. Rushed her to the Emerg. vet 2/27, she had surgery 2/28 to remove about 6 stones the size of peas or small rocks, and many more smaller stones. Peanut is doing just beautiful...
  15. C

    Vibes for Peanut

    The vet herself wasn't in today to question the rX but the tech sent me home with c/D. The tech probably typed up the instructions, didn't want to admit a mistake and probably rushed off to fix it as soon as I left, lol.
  16. C

    Anesthesia plus sniffles

    I don't think anesthesia had much to do with it. Sounds more like simple bad luck. Two of my feline girls came down ill for no good reason. Baby cat first, then Moo. They're BFF's so I wasn't surprised that they came down with kitty-colds so close to eachother. The same way you can track in...
  17. C

    Vibes for Peanut

    Hi otto! It puzzled me slightly too because I honestly expected c/D or x/D before knowing they discontinued the x/D diet! I couldn't remember what the w/D was for off the top of my head. I plan on asking for more details tomorrow ... I was honestly wrapped up in being there with her. She is...
  18. C

    Vibes requested for Gwen Cooper's Scarlett

    Lots of vibes and thoughts and prayers for Scarlett.
  19. C

    Vibes for Peanut

    So I lied. Not really, I just hadn't actually spoken to the vet yet at my last post. She's going to be on the w/D until the stone analysis comes back. The c/D has apparently replaced the x/D since the last time I had to research food for stone-prone kitties, so it'll probably be the c/D...
  20. C

    Vibes for Peanut

    Baby cat is doing so well the vet is comfortable releasing her a day early Just waiting on the paperwork! No news on rX diet yet since the urine and stone analysis hasn't made it back.