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  1. V

    Do your cats sleep with you?

    I have two lovely Birman girls who will sleep in or on the bed every night. I usually go bed at around 10, and occassionally I will go to bed and they are already there waiting! It's pretty cosy with me, DH and the two cats. How some people sleep with five I'll never know!
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    bad behavior?

    One of my Birmans does that too. I have found toy mousies in the water bowl as well as a shoelace and a ping pong ball. Sometimes there are so many toys in the water bowl that the toys are all saturated and there's no water left. I have noticed that one of them will carry her toy in her mouth...
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    forget about the tree, what about the gifts!!!

    Oh God these posts made me laugh so hard! I have two girls who think Christmas is just the cat's pyjamas. They have jumped into the tree and knocked it flying 3 times, broken expensive and sentimental christmas ornaments and last year shredded most of the christmas presents. I too received a...
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    Demanding Cat

    Thanks for the advice guys. Hubby and I discussed it this morning (after the biggest song and dance you've ever witnessed by a cat!) and are going to try two solutions... 1. Automated feeding bowl - going to try feeding 3 times a day and see how that goes 2. Put up one of those child-proof...
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    Demanding Cat

    She also carries on like this when there is still food in her bowl! I get downstairs, still sleepy and bleary eyed. Look at the bowl and there's still food in there. Meanwhile she's still howling, yowling and carrying on. Shall look into an automated feeder though. Maybe Santa Claws will buy it
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    Demanding Cat

    They get fed twice a day, usually around 7-7.30am and again at about 7-7.30pm. They only eat premium dry food. There's usually (say 95% of the time) enough dry food in their bowls to last them all the way through to the evening (or morning). Sometimes when I go to feed them there's still a bit...
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    Demanding Cat

    Hi all, I have two adorable Birman girls who are absolutely gorgeous, most of the time.. One, however, has developed a very naughty habit of waking me up in the early hours of the morning (pre-6am) to inform me that it is now time for me to get up and feed her immediately. Her method of...
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    Would you patronize a vet who does declaws?

    To me, a vet is a vet because they love and care for animals. In the same way as a scientist loves science or a teacher loves children (ok maybe not loves children but loves teaching children!). I personally would have a problem with taking my cat to a vet that performs declawing. They may be a...
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    My cat attacked my 6 yr old & husband

    I also agree with those opposed to declawing. Please don't do it. It is inhumane and unkind. Your darling kitty's behaviour that day was caused by something, possibly a reaction to the valium or something else. Declawing her is not the answer. Work out why she did what she did and treat the...
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    name recognition?

    I read somewhere that cats can't hear consonants all that well.. so to them the words "treat" and "eat" sound the same, basically it just means some type of food. They can't actually discern whether they'll be getting a treat or just a bowl full. They would be able to tell between the words...
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    drowning toys in the water dish

    My two girls are Birmans and they also like to see if their toys can swim. I have found mousies, strings, balls (ping pong! Still not quite sure how they got there) and a catnip pillow inside the water bowl. Once there were three toys all in the same bowl. No water left as all the toys were...
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    Cat furniture

    I bought a super-expensive one for my two girls about a year ago. Not interested! Sniffed it, walked around it, jumped on it a few times but that was it. I tried moving it to other areas of the house, next to windows, in quiet spots.. no luck! Tried enticing them with toys and games but they...
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    Cat doesn't cover urine

    Neither of my cats cover their urine either. They just wee and leave! I use the cat litter crystals, they are a lot more expensive but the brand I use doesn't smell at all. You'll need to shop around though as some of the crystals absorb well but smell really nasty.
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    Does ur kitty snore?

    My mother's cat has a serious snore problem! She got him when he was a kitten and he was a feral baby living under a bridge. He was flea ridden and had terrible cat flu. She nursed him back to health and now he's one big sookie la la! Anyway apparently the inside of his nasal passages are very...
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    Does anyone else's cat...

    My cats do that as well. Cleo particularly enjoys watching Animal Planet. She's quite fond of the bird shows and stalks the TV and does that whole funny mouth moving thing when she sees them on TV. I have some video of it, but not sure if I can upload it here.
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    Acute Renal Failure

    Thank you huggles. Her name is Cleo. She has her own cat page at As you can see, she is a gorgeous girl and we love her very much. We are sending love her way and hope she will be ok. Will let you know.
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    Acute Renal Failure

    Hi all, One of my darling furbabies has just been diagnosed with Acute Renal Failure. She is a 2 1/2 year old purebred Birman and is generally a very happy, healthy and lively cat. On Tuesday night she was vomitting several times, on Wednesday she was lethargic, not eating, drinking a lot and...
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    Training a Cat to Fetch

    One of my Birman babies plays fetch too. Her favorite item to fetch is her toy mousie, and sometimes she will bring two or three toy mousies at one time! It's quite funny to watch her pick up all three in her mouth, drop one and then pick it up again. She has played fetch since she was a kitten...
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    My cat is in love with a flashlight (really)

    Scott they are the funniest pics I have seen in ages. In the first photo he looks in love, and the second and third photos he looks stoned! Surely it has to be the smell of the handle or plastic. If you rub your hands on the torch does he rub himself up against your hands too? (Just wondering)...
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    Vomitting ??

    Hi everyone! I have two adorable Birman furbabies who are mother (Sasha) and daughter (Cleo). Cleo eats like a pig at a trough, and Sasha is more of a picky eater - eat some now and save the rest for later. Usually of course there is no later, as Miss Piggy (Cleo) gutses the whole lot. The...