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  1. W

    Does anyone else's cat like curry?

    im having a problem with my cat - as soon as he smells anything tasty esp meat, he's at it straight away! He even goes inside the refrigerator when its open! i do feed him enough cat food! honest! im taking him to be castrated soon though (eeek, crosses legs), maybe he will be less hungry...
  2. W

    Long distance relationship

    "Arie, no one on here is trying to be mean or trying to break your heart. No one who has been though it wants to see this happen to another human being. The advantage they do however have is they are looking it with no Bias. You are in love with her, and for want of a better expression the sun...
  3. W

    Long distance relationship

    you really are thinking about this too much! hell, you've got me thinking about this too much! an example of your obsession, was when you answered to her: "You really mean that? don't say it just to please me, I want you to be fully honest with me" this is about her saying that she still...
  4. W

    Long distance relationship

    snowflakes are all composed of frozen water molecules, and in their brief lifetime, are subject to a constant gravitational acceleration, counteracted by air resistance. the shape of a snowflake is determined by the atmospheric temperature and humidity levels at the time of its formation...
  5. W

    Long distance relationship

    yes this detail changes a lot! Women at that sort of age 18-22+ are going through a time of self-discovery. She is not the woman she will become in 5-10 years time. Women this age are quite confused generally and are engaged in a process of calibrating their future personas. extreme caution...
  6. W

    Long distance relationship

    I totally agree with this guy. When a woman says to you "maybe" this mainly means "no." However it sounds better because it implies an element of possibility which in reality does not exist. Women commonly use this sort of vague language in dating scenarios, its all part of the games that...
  7. W

    Long distance relationship

    Don't go! Don't continue acting needy! This girl is NOT special. There are PLENTY PLENTY more girls out there! If you continue chasing her, you will devalue yourself in her eyes. Instead go out, with friends, walk up to random girls, be relaxed and have some fun, even get another...
  8. W

    Does anyone else's cat like curry?

    Thanks for all the replies. When i give him curry I take out the pieces of meat and mash those up. I will try not to give him curry in future, its just that he always smells it cooking and starts meowing repeatedly! webchap
  9. W

    Does anyone else's cat like curry?

    My 6 month old kitten is very lively and likes to eat lots of different foods (basically anything going)! He especially likes curries as i cook a lot of them and he smells the aromas and starts "meow"ing. I gave him a plate full of Calcuttan beef curry this morning and he finished it in...