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    Cat Won't Stop Sneezing!?

    Is there a way to treat the cold??
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    Anyone know what's wrong with my kitty?

    My cat acted like this once and I just thought he was being clingy but I think when they are overly clingy they are trying to tell you something! Mine also stopped eating and didn't have any 'visible' problems. Then when I took him to the vet he had an inside infection that was horrible. I had...
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    Cat Won't Stop Sneezing!?

    I took my cat to the vet a week ago because he was dry heaving - like trying to get a hairball up and nothing was coming. That had been going on for about a week before I took him in. They gave him an antibiotic that will last 2 weeks (so nice I don't have to give him pills...yeah!). However...
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    Cat Acne?

    Ya, we changed to all stainless steel bowls last week per the request of the vet.
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    Cat Acne?

    So my cat has these black things on his chin and we took him to the vet to get checked out. The vet said it is 'cat acne' and is likely a response to a food bowl allergy. Well we replaced all the bowls so the main 'infection' is gone but how do we continue to treat the can acne or the...
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    New Cat Agression!?

    I have posted before so some may know my story but if not, here it is. I adopted a kitty from a shelter in October and he has finally come around to be trusting and quite the nice kitty. He is about 21 months old and from what we know, he has always been an indoor kitty and was neutered at a...
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    Suddenly the bathtub is a litter box!

    This is interesting. We adopted a kitty from a shelter back in October and he, too, would use the bathtub as a litter box but only for urination. Eventually, as slow as we are, we learned that it was because we weren't scooping his litter daily and instead were doing it every other day. We also...
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    New (stray) Kitty with Other Kitty HELP! And HIVES?!

    Sorry for confusion... The 'feral' cat is 10 months old and is extremely loving - more loving than I've ever seen before in a cat. It seemed like someone raised him in their hands as a kitten then got rid of him after he became the age of needing neutered (as he was spotted where I got him for...
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    New (stray) Kitty with Other Kitty HELP! And HIVES?!

    I just brought in a stray cat that has been to the vet, neutered and declawed and they said he tested out clean. So I brought him in the house with my other kitty of about 4 months. We held the new one and let my other kitty sniff him but the new one kept hissing/growling at my original kitty...
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    Roundworm HELP

    Ahhh...thank you for all of this advice! I actually have him scheduled to get neutered this Friday! I also have him scheduled to be declawed but I don't know if I'll go through with that... :-( The trouble is that he has huge feet so when he purrs and does the paw thing, his nails catch on stuff...
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    Roundworm HELP

    So, for the sake of my other kitty that is in the long do I keep them separated so that the inside cat does not get it? Is it OK to keep them separated by a door (between rooms) or should I continue to keep one outside in the garage and the other inside? It's getting tougher and...
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    Missing feral kitty

    My prayers for the kitty!
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    Cat Spraying: PLEASE HELP!

    Thank You! I have an appointment for him at the vet this coming Monday and I also put out another litter box in one of the bathrooms. Sometimes I do worry that he is in pain because he'll just sit there like he's mad or ouchy (I can never tell) and that has been going on for as long as we've...
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    Roundworm HELP

    I have a new kitty that was a stray, however, he is THE MOST tame cat in the world. In the midst of trying to find his owner I have taken him to the vet and found out he has roundworms (they gave him some external worm treatment on Wednesday morning). I have been petting him every night (he...
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    Cat Spraying: PLEASE HELP!

    No, it's a good idea to go rule out anything medical. I'm going to call the vet today!
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    Cat Spraying: PLEASE HELP!

    I do recall that when we first had gotten him in October, we had two litter boxes setup...which was completely random and I also remember that he used both of the litters too but then I got rid of one. This behavior of random peeing seems to occur about once every 2 weeks...sometimes he would...
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    Cat Spraying: PLEASE HELP!

    We have a cat we adopted from a shelter in October and he has been doing this 'spraying' that is getting annoying. He is about 2 years old and was neutered when we got him. The pattern is this: My husband gets home from work and plays with the cat, then goes to do something else and the cat...
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    Stray Kitty Help

    Hello, One of my neighbors has had a kitty cat coming to her door at night and talking to her alot. So she started feeding it and it kept coming at various times throughout the day...morning, noon, and night. I had a trap to try to catch it, so we put my trap out and caught it. Then she took...
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    Missing Cat! Need advice

    Any sitings? I have gotten nothing on my missing Brownie
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    Missing Cat! Need advice

    Aweeeeee...poor Mr. Bond but how wonderful he is OK and he is yours!!! I sure do hope Arty and Brownie both turn up or at least some sort of sign of them turns up! I keep praying so hard everyday for both of them The worst part is that it really is like losing a child and the hurt is...