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  1. O

    Playing Problems

    He's eager for treats at 'treat time,' (only beef flavored ones, any others he'll turn his nose up at. XD Picky kitty) but I've tried hiding treats in his kitty tree/around the house to encourage him to explore... but weeks later they still remain, even if I point them out to him. I'll take a...
  2. O

    Playing Problems

    My mother suggested a laser pointer and I thought it was a brilliant idea! ...sadly Opie just looked at it, then at me, then sniffed the device, then walked away. He doesn't seem to 'get' it. I wish I could afford another kitty, but right now Opie's all I can take care of.
  3. O

    Playing Problems

    Thank you, reminding me that it has only been a month is probably one of the best things you could have done for me. It feels like we've known each other for ages, I do forget sometimes that we're still figuring each other out. =P
  4. O

    Playing Problems

    I'm not sure if he was bottle raised, but I know he was with his litter until he was at least old enough to eat solid foods. He and his entire litter were adopted out, he was returned because his previous owners adopted him for their daughter... who left for college and didn't take him, so they...
  5. O

    look what we bought yesterday...

    I used to have a Maine Coon who would walk on a leash. People would do double-takes. It was wonderful! Good luck training!
  6. O

    Playing Problems

    Thank you muchly for the welcome. It doesn't seem to be like he's afraid, but I could be wrong. It more seems like he treats me like another cat. My parent's cats do this to each other a lot, they put their ears back and arch their backs then pounce on each other. But that's just my assumption...
  7. O

    Playing Problems

    Hello, Just under a month ago I rescued a beautiful silver tabby/Maine coon mix from a local rescue agency, it was instant love on both our parts. We were first told that Opie (If religion is the opiate of the masses, cats are mine) was a three year old boy--and a big boy was he!--but just...