Search Results

  1. T

    Knee problems

    My cat Harry came in from outside this weekend and had injured his left rear leg somehow. I didn't see or feel any problems with it, but he didn't want to put any weight on it (he mostly hopped with his right rear leg, or put the left one down briefly if necessary). I took him to the vet today...
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    Winter hunting?

    I have an indoor/outdoor cat and it is winter now. Harry still likes to go out (although not nearly as much as in spring/summer/fall). So today we've got 4 new inches of snow over older snow/ice. Anyway, when he was out today, he apparently went hunting and brought back a mole! I didn't realize...
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    Harry and Misty pics

    I took some snaps of Harry and Misty the other day and I wanted to share. Recap: I adopted Harry and Misty from another family in February. They've been together since Harry was a kitten (Misty is a year older). They get along fine, but they don't cuddle with each other. They share the bed, but...
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    A Little Assertiveness Goes A Long Way

    I was watching my two cats wrestle this morning. And now I know why my big boy Harry has been wary of my little 3-legged girl Misty lately. I was a little worried when I got them five months ago that the larger male might hurt the smaller, disabled female when they went at it, but I guess I...
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    Weight Loss

    I adopted these two cats, Harry and Misty, in late February. I took them to the vet a little over a month later (early April) to have a check-up. At that time, the vet weighed them out at 13 pounds for Harry (they said he was a touch overweight) and Misty at 9.25 pounds (fyi, she's 3-legged, so...
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    origin of "tortoiseshell"?

    Ok, so, tortoiseshell cats, right? We all know what they look like (example pictures below). So where did the "tortoiseshell" name come from? Are there actual tortoises out there whose shells look like the black-and-orange patterns of a tortie's fur?
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    enjoying the great outdoors

    Here are some pictures of my cats Harry (the gray tabby) and Misty (the tortoiseshell with 3 legs) enjoying the great outdoors. I got them in February and kept them inside for 10 weeks to make sure they knew this was their home and they were comfortable with me, etc, before letting them out...
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    Close call

    I took my two new cats Harry and Misty to the vet last week. This was a follow-up visit to a visit 3 weeks earlier, to get the 2nd half of a vaccination shot, plus to make sure the de-worming worked. Anyway, I have this carrier that has wheels and something to pull it by. With both cats in the...
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    DNA and coat pattern

    Does the DNA of a cat completely determine the coat pattern? I'm thinking of tabby stripes, or the exact mix of orange and black on a tortoiseshell, or the exact placement of white on a cat with the white spotting gene, etc. I.e. if you have two cats with the same DNA (identical twins -- does...
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    What cute things do your kitties do?

    My recently adopted kitties Harry and Misty have a couple of cute habits. Harry has this thing that I'm guessing he must have picked up from the dogs that they used to share their (old) house with. Sometimes if I'm standing up and he's next to me, he'll get up on his hind legs and put his front...
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    cats/dogs at pet stores

    During my recent hunt for cats to adopt, I noticed that pet stores no longer seem to sell cats and dogs. Any ones that do have cats and dogs are only displaying them for a local shelter. Do cats and dogs not get sold at pet stores any more? I know they used to, years ago. Have pet stores...
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    collar and skittish cat

    I just recently adopted a couple of (adult) cats, and I'd like to put collars and tags on them. So I bought collars and got tags with their names and my phone number. One of my new cats, Harry, is pretty laid back and I got his collar on him with no problem. He didn't like it at first, trying...
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    Biting claws?

    One of my recently adopted cats, Harry, just was washing himself in front of me for the first time. While he was washing one of his back feet, I saw him do something which I don't think I've ever seen a cat do before. He bit at his claws. I was close enough to hear the "crunch" as he did it...
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    Harry and Misty

    This is to introduce the two cats I adopted yesterday to replace my RB kitty Rascal. Harry: (former name Pierre, I chose Harry because of the similar "air" stressed syllable) approximately 4 years old, domestic shorthair, gray tabby and white, male, so far pretty friendly and likes toys...
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    Some pics of my childhood cats

    First up: Tommy All black male, domestic long hair, 1969-1972. My parents got him from a friend of a friend (some friends of my parents had a cat, and the people they got their cat from had another litter of kittens). My sister and I named him "Tommy" because he was a "tom cat" (hey, we...
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    Most common colors/patterns?

    (I wasn't sure which category to put this in. Apologies if it is in the wrong place.) What are the most common cat colors and patterns? I was just looking at the petfinder lists for several shelters near my home, and I noticed that there are very few all-white cats (only 1 in hundreds of...
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    (I guess I should move this here from the Health & Nutrition area.) This is Rascal back in 1989 when he was 7 months old. I just had to put him to sleep this morning, at 18 years old. He's had a lot of health problems in recent years, in his old age. Kidney failure, Inflammatory Bowel...
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    process of adopting from a shelter/rescue

    I've never adopted from a shelter/rescue operation before, but I am/was planning to once it comes time to get new cats (after my current old man is gone). But I've been looking at the Humane Society and several other rescue/shelter organizations in my area, and good golly it is intimidating...
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    digital camera advice needed

    I'm not sure if this is the right place for this or not, but here goes. I'm in the market to purchase my first digital camera, and I have no idea what I'm doing so I was hoping I could get some advice here. The primary purpose for getting a digital camera is to take pictures of my cat and be...
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    elderly cat

    I've got an older cat, he's 18 now with health issues. One thing I've noticed lately is that he's definitely been getting hard of hearing. He doesn't respond to my voice or other sounds the way he used to. I'm assuming this is a normal part of growing older. I've been trying to compensate when...