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    Ok, I need some opinions here...

    Sometimes difficult people should be set free. I can't tell you the number of times I've tried to do the right thing by my former family only to have it shoved up my @$$ for me. I know you want him to learn about repercussions, but some people will never learn. I suggest you let him sign away...
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    Cat Vomit

    Many tests and sleepless nights later (not to mention an insanely large vet bill) Bella is happy to be back home and is beginning to eat a little. We should have the biopsy results soon and might have some idea what the ƒµ¢<! happened that nearly killed her. If we hadn't taken her in to the...
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    Cat Vomit

    After several days at the vets and several hundred dollars in tests and care, it looks like Bella has swallowed something which she cannot pass and there'll likely be some surgery to remove whatever it is. The timing on all this couldn't be worse with the baby on the way in just two months now...
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    Cat Vomit

    The vet sent us home with some hypo allergenic food, but whenever she smelled the food she would vomit bile. She's back at the vet's for overnight treatment and observation. It has been several days since she has eaten now and the situation is dire. We hope to hear news of the blood work...
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    Cat Vomit

    Well the slippery elm did no good. She stopped eating a few days ago and the only thing we could get her to take was a bit of yogurt, which is her Achilles' heal, but it cam up shortly afterward. It was off to the vet today for some IV fluids and Zantac to settle her stomach, but she still will...
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    I have no preference for the baby's sex and will be happy with anything! Names? well now there's a can of worms. We can agree on girls' names (Nova and Imogen leading the way) but for boys' names we're almost to blows. everything she likes, I don't, and everything I like she doesn't. watch ...
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    We've asked not to be told the baby's sex so it'll be a surprise.
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    Hello from Canada

    Hey! We're neighbours! Welcome to the site. your little darlings look beautiful! X
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    No not Bella, but my wife. We're just 10 weeks away from the due date and are very excited about this bold new change in our lives. BTW We are having a 50-50 Baby pool to set up a college fund for the baby. If anybody's interested in participating and helping that fund get going, please PM...
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    Question of the Day - January 7th

    Battlestar Galactica Season 4 baby! X
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    Introducing Me and My Kitty

    Delilah is a beauty. Glad to see you both. X
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    Cat Vomit

    Bella has been refusing her food over the past few days. I've been feeding her a raw diet for about two months now, exactly as recommended by Anitra Frazer in her The New Natural Cat and until now she has been devouring the food with glee. Her coat is shinier, she sheds less and her disposition...
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    Wondering Kitten

    I'd keep her inside for at least a month and recommend you go even longer. I'll bet she takes to the harness pretty well too if you want to try walking her. X
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    on the prowl...

    AWESOME!! Does she leap? It looks like she's about to. X
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    Seth & Alastor

    Welcome, from north of the 49th. X
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    Whats your job?

    I'm a classical stage actor which means I spend most of my time carrying dinner plates and mixing drinks. X
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    Female Cat Spraying

    I think that with a UTI she'd be doing it more regularly and not selectively on that rug. Try getting rid of the rug. If she does it again, see a vet. UTI can be ugly. X
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    Please help!

    Make sure there's plenty of water for her. It helps pass the drugs through her system. X
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    I can't believe my sister

    It's probably more than just the money. Your sister obviously wants to have power over your life. You are a shining example of how a person in adverse circumstances (divorce) can thrive and overcome (nurse's assistant). You are an example of everything she is not and she wants to have control...
  20. X

    good kitty litter for cheap

    I'm using Feline Fresh pine cat litter and you should too! It is the best value for your dollar because it lasts so long, up to 4 times longer than conventional litter. It is THE best cat litter to use because it does an amazing job of absorbing odours. It is THE VERY best for you and your cat...