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  1. S

    Gnawing on things!

    Oooh, I'm so glad I stumbled on this thread. I don't care when Oliver (9 months old) chews on cardboard boxes or toys, but I just refinished my mahogany bedroom set and he's having far too much fun with a couple spots on the headboard. I'm trying to sell the darn set and here he is, going to...
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    new kitty: when to move to introduction phase?

    Hello all! Just wanted to give an update, since I realized I never did. Bottom line is that all of your advice was dead on target, and I couldn't be happier! My two babies love each other to pieces, and I love watching them cuddle and play. They completely act like siblings. Abigail is the...
  3. S

    kitten food vs. adult cat food?

    Thanks for the respones! Sorry it took me a couple days to get back over here. Both are Purina, both are chicken flavor, but Abigail's has some salmon flavor and a mystery food (my neighbor's cat didn't like something my neighbor bought, so I mixed it with Abigail's to stretch her bag out a bit)...
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    kitten food vs. adult cat food?

    Oliver keeps eating Abigail's food. Is this bad for him? The bag of kitten food that I had bought for him is almost gone. Should I keep him on kitten food or, since he seems to be liking what I give Abigail, can I switch him over to adult food?
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    Smelly cat, smel-ly cat...

    Hello all! 4 month old Oliver has suddenly started farting up a storm. I've never smelled farts like this before. It's enough to make me run for the window, throw it open, lean my whole torso out and gasp for clean air. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But it amazes me that such a...
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    how long until Oliver stops trying to nurse?

    Thanks, Renzie, but I don't think that applies to this particular situation. Please... anyone... if you have any advice to offer, I'd really appreciate it. I'm ready to cry from lack of sleep. He's woken me up trying to nurse the last three nights in a row, each time about an hour after I've...
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    About a very,very,very copycatting cat

    that's a youtube must see if i've ever heard of one. buy, borrow, or steal a videocamera. i have GOT to see this!
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    how long until Oliver stops trying to nurse?

    Ugh, so he's not going to grow out of it on his own? NOOOO! Say it isn't so! It's at the point where I can't have him close to me AT ALL without him doing it. I'm so thrilled to have a kitty that's snuggly (Abigail isn't in the least), but this can't continue! Particularly since he keeps...
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    how exactly do I wrap her in a towel?

    Hee hee! I didn't get it either. Thank you! I'll check in with the dog grooming places near me.
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    how exactly do I wrap her in a towel?

    I'm still skeptical, but I'll give it a try! Wish me luck! In case I give up and decide I need a groomer, how does one go about finding one? Whenever I've looked online in the local yellow pages it looks like all of them only do dog grooming.
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    how exactly do I wrap her in a towel?

    Hi all, Abigail won't let me get close enough to her paws to even think about trimming her claws, but they're really getting out of control. I can hear them clicking on the floor as she walks around downstairs, and they rip up the carpet as she's running around upstairs. I keep seeing people...
  12. S

    Cat Bed

    I bought one that's like this from petsmart: My cats both always want to sleep in it, so I had to get a second one. Both of my cats have a "thing" about needing to see what's going on at all times, so I don't think either of them would like a bed with a 10" rim around it. Besides, the...
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    how long until Oliver stops trying to nurse?

    Aww, thank you! Despite the fact that Oliver woke me up at the crack of dawn trying to nurse again, I think they're both pretty cute, too. :P
  14. S

    how long until Oliver stops trying to nurse?

    Hi all! Thanks to your wonderful advice, Oliver and Abigail are now getting along marvelously. I couldn't be more thrilled (except they kept me up last night playing hide-and-seek all night, but it was adorable and I'll get over it). New problem: 3 month old Oliver likes to lick wrinkles and...
  15. S

    new kitten is eating old cat's food!

    Baby Oliver's food bowl is upstairs and Abigail's bowl is downstairs. Oliver just came home with me last weekend and I just introduced them for the first time last night. Twice tonight I've had to bust out the spray bottle to get Oliver to stop eating Abigail's food. He's already finished his...
  16. S

    new kitty: when to move to introduction phase?

    I am definitely not ready to leave them alone together. I get squeamish when they aren't in the same room with me! I put Oliver back in the bathroom before I left for work this morning. Abigail is still hissing a little - once last night, three times this morning - and until that stops entirely...
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    new kitty: when to move to introduction phase?

    Update: Well, at first things weren't going so well... But by the end of the night they were both curled up by my feet while I read my book. To be honest, there was a little while there when I felt like the third wheel! Neither of them wanted to come upstairs to go to sleep and I was...
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    new kitty: when to move to introduction phase?

    Okee doke, that's what I'll do. Thanks! EEEEEK! I CAN'T WAIT TO LEAVE WORK!!
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    Blossom taught herself a new trick

    Ugh, both my cats do this so badly that I'm tempted to put child safety things on the cabinets with the cleaning supplies. Neither has ever actually succeeded in getting one of the doors open, but it seems like it's only a matter of time!
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    new kitty: when to move to introduction phase?

    Hmm... a coworker suggested playing with Oliver and trying to get him way tuckered out before letting him out of the bathroom. Any thoughts on that? I don't see it making much of a difference; he seems to perk up when a new distraction is presented regardless of how tired he might have seemed a...