Search Results

  1. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    I'm not sure what she's allergic to specifically, I've tried to narrow it down with little luck. She's been the vet numerous times, on steroids, antibiotics, creams, etc with no affect. So I've been waging the battle at home with limited success. She's had allergies all her life and it's...
  2. G

    Smeggie's new trick!

    Smeg wanted to show off his new trick. The smarty pants.
  3. G

    Need advice for wild-ish kitten

    My mom found a litter of feral kittens in her yard several weeks ago. Two of the five were sickly looking, pussy eyes sealed shut, very thin, etc. We left them alone and the mother came back for four, but left the sickest. We waiting all day and into the evening and she never came back...
  4. G

    What COE or breeding practices do cat breeders have?

    This is a completely honest question from someone who didn't even know there were cat shows until about two years ago. I know about finding a fantastic dog breeder, their COE, proper puppy rearing, showing, titles, etc. I was wondering what is involved in cat breeding and showing, is there a...
  5. G

    1 down and 2 to go!

    Stripey the outside cat was spayed today. I'm thrilled, but then I'm not the one with an incision and anesthesia hangover. This will be one of those 'you'll thank me later' moments, I'm sure. Since Stripe was a feral when we moved in (she came with the house, though I failed to see mention of...
  6. G

    Frau has an anouncment!

    Yesterday Frau and I took a trip down to Oregon Ohio for a rott rescue fundraiser. I got to meet several of my 'internet friends' in person for the first time, and Frau got to flirt with all the handsome rottie boys! While she was there she also got her Canine Good Citizen! She is now Frau...
  7. G

    Question for the runners

    Hey all, I've recently taken up running (like a week ago). I am 5'6 and 125 lbs, but have a fat butt and want to lose it. There are also a lot of health problems in my family, so I'm trying to not die before I'm 30. I'm just wearing my old Fila's for the moment, until I'm sure I'll stick with...
  8. G

    Anyone make their own booze?

    I've recently picked up a new hobby, wine and beer making! I started last year when my MIL gave me some eldeberries off her bush. I had a ton of them, so I made jam, pie and wine! It was a real experience and I had fantastic help from the local wine store owner. The wine came out good I guess...
  9. G

    &^$#&$#&%$%@ Fleas!!!!

    AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never once in all my years of pets ownership and cat rescuing had fleas in my house! EVER! And now I can't get rid of the darn things! I bath and bath and bath the kittens, vacuum their room and the house, flea spray like crazy and wash...
  10. G

    artwork and website links?

    I do commissioned artwork, paintings, portraits, etc. Are new people allowed to post links to our websites (it's not quite finished yet) or photos of the art itself? I wasn't sure if there was a waiting period, or a specific forum, etc. Feel free to tell me no. I'm not easily upset
  11. G

    Killing birds

    This is probably not possible, but does anyone know of any way to stop outdoor cats from catching and killing birds (and other critters)? At least once a day one of the outside cats kills a bird. Yesterday it was a baby robin, this morning the mother (while father screamed from the trees)...
  12. G

    A deformed kitten - could be distrubing to some

    I had a stray cat show up and have kittens three months ago. The second kitten born was deformed. It's ears were far back on his skull and very low, head a bit round and it had no bottom jaw. Where the jaw should have been there was just an opening, to the esophagus I assume. It seemed like it...
  13. G

    Sydney had a birthday, too!

    Today was Sydney the Rescue Rottie's birthday. She turned 5 years old today! We didn't get to celebrate much as I was too busy, but they did all get baths. Sydney had a great time undoing all of my cleaning efforts. And finally clean! Letting three soaking wet dogs into my tiny house made...
  14. G

    Butters had a birthday!

    Butters the boston terrorist turned 3 years old today! A few highlights of his fun-filled day. First we stare down the yappy dog that lives next to gramma Then I got to kill the water monster! Give. Me. The. Ball. I see it! I see it! Then off to swim! Yay! Then I had to pose for...
  15. G

    My kittens, or how to make yourself crazy in 8 weeks

    Kittens are 11 weeks old now. THEY NEED HOMES. Calm down Jen, calm down. Breath. I'm fine, really. I'll be okay. Lookit my babies, aren't they cute? Don't you just want to take them home with know....forever? I love my kittehs, really, I do. I hate the thoughts of them going away...
  16. G

    Smeggie loves his neice

    He says good looks run in the family
  17. G

    A long post about Tux and his pee-hole

    Okay, I anticipate this being long, but I'll try to sum up as best I can. Tuxedo came to us as a stray about 5 years ago. He was already neutered and super friendly with people, dogs and cats. Obviously someone's pet they kicked out. We could never understand why. He was and is a truly...
  18. G

    My non-cats

    I will warn you now, that while my cats are important to me, I am DOG OBSESSED. Specifically rottweilers and boston terriers. Mainly rottweilers. I'm one of those crazy rottweiler people who goes to all the shows just to eyeball the rottweilers, is friends with a bunch of rottweiler breeders...
  19. G

    Pics of my family

    Hello again! This is Smeggie, full name is The Smegweiler. He's my sexy beast. More dog than cat, really. Tuxedo in his beloved red chair. Gentleman always sit in chairs, not on the floor with the heathens (that would be the dogs). Mew, believes in ruling with an iron paw and 'slap first...
  20. G

    I'm from Canada, eh.

    Hello all, I just posted a thread in the 'stray cats' section, and so came here to introduce myself. My name is Jen and I currently have a few cats. Mew is my 13 year old female DSH grey tabby. I've had her since she was born. She now has quite a few sensitive stomach issues, but I have...