Search Results

  1. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    That's very impressive! Five hours, wow. The clinic I deal with seems to go through vets quite often, but the one I liked was there for several years. My rescue dog was going through heartworm treatment when the vet just left one day, no warning. I heard he had a fight with the clinic owner. The...
  2. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    That's pretty scary. I'm used to dealing with my dogs, where taurine isn't an issue.
  3. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    Actually, I think I read in the paper that a new young woman vet was just hired in the town next to mine. I'll have to call and ask about her views on home diets, raw, vaccinations, etc and see what she's like. Hopefully she's very knowledgeable and open minded. That would be fabulous! The vet...
  4. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    I've tried raw in the past with her and she wasn't interested. However, I am a big fan of the raw diet, and if I could get her to eat it, I would be very happy (and hopefully she would be too!)
  5. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    Not really. My *awesome* vet quit and moved several hours away. I don't overly care for the vet they have now. I'm in the market, I guess. The elimination diet is generally only for 4 weeks or so. If taurine is a concern perhaps it could be purchased from a health store and added?
  6. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    Yes, she eats canned happily. She did fairly well (i.e no vomiting or rash but still compulsive licking) on the Pro Plan chicken and liver pate, but I switched her to Eagle Pack holistic duck and she was throwing it up. So I switched her back to the Pro Plan. I would actually prefer to feed her...
  7. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    For grain free foods I've tried the Core, Natural Balance Duck and Potato, Serenghetti. I think there's one other, but I've tried so many different foods I can't remember. I avoided Evo as several people I know with cats had diarrhea problems with it. I'm not sure about which protein sources...
  8. G

    Food for a cat with severe allergies

    I'm not sure what she's allergic to specifically, I've tried to narrow it down with little luck. She's been the vet numerous times, on steroids, antibiotics, creams, etc with no affect. So I've been waging the battle at home with limited success. She's had allergies all her life and it's...
  9. G

    Smeggie's new trick!

    Smeg wanted to show off his new trick. The smarty pants.
  10. G

    People should stop being so discrimatory!!!

    I was a groomer for 9 years and I've met far more ill tempered and ill mannered labs than I ever have rotts, dobs, pits and shepherds combined. But it's a sheer numbers thing. I think I saw twenty labs for every one of the other breeds, so of course you'll see more 'bad apples'.
  11. G

    AS requested....a pic of AMY!!

    Aw, Amy is so pretty! Amy, meet Omen! He lives in California with his loving mommy, and enjoys swimming in the summer and warm blankets in the winter.
  12. G

    Can I use dog shampoo on a cat?

    VERY lucky apparently! I hope my former employer has stopped using the dog products since I've left.
  13. G

    Can I use dog shampoo on a cat?

    Interesting. When I was a dog groomer the only shampoo was had was dog shampoo (I didn't own the place, I only worked there, so don't flame me). It was professional quality, no the pet store crap. We bathed cats all the time and never had a complaint from the owner (but we never used 'specialty'...
  14. G

    Are 6 Cats better than 2?

    I have five and they get along fairly well, but I personally would like to have just two. There's too much cat-managing I have to do throughout the day. And they're into everything. They all need different food, one doesn't to use the litterbox and is we'll looking into prozac, another has a...
  15. G

    2 cats slow eater, fast eater??

    My Smeg eats in the bathroom because he's super fast and tries to steal the others. It's just easier that way.
  16. G

    Need advice for wild-ish kitten

    After seeing my mom trying and 'handle' the kitten I decided to bring her back over here permanently. No wonder the thing is so wild. I was holding her at my moms, and she was actually not being toooooooo bad about it (mild growling and hissing but no biting or screaming) and my mom came over to...
  17. G

    What COE or breeding practices do cat breeders have?

    Oh not at all. Just in dogs there are those who breed for profit, and those who breed to better the breed. The woman I used to work for actually made me look for good breeders, as I knew that the way she was breeding was not the way it should be done. Some people are stellar parents, others...
  18. G

    Need advice for wild-ish kitten

    At my mom's house she is very very active, always on the move and very clawy and bitey. She is the most curious and most playful kitten I've ever seen, and I've had some playful ones before! But we had to wrap her in a towel to clip her nails when she was about 6 or so weeks old due to...
  19. G

    What COE or breeding practices do cat breeders have?

    That is so great the way your cats are kept! I could tell you horror stories of how this scottish fold 'breeder' looked after hers. As well as her dog breeding. It's all for profit of course. Spend as little as possible to make as much as possible, lying if necessary. Are most cats bred...
  20. G

    Need advice for wild-ish kitten

    If it has to be in it's own area I won't be able to have it here. It will have to stay at my mom's all the time. The kitten has it's own giant room full of toys there, and it runs willy nilly all over the place. I have only one small room that is separated from the rest of the house, the...