Search Results

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    Need some reassurance re: Urinary Obstruction

    I had a Siamese with a UTI back in the summer. Now before anything, they can hit very fast, and very hard. So don't fault anything you did! My cat was fine on Sunday, he was peeing normally, and I know because I have two cats - one is very finicky about peeing in a used litter box, so we...
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    Fact......or New Urban Legend?

    I read the NY Times every morning and 911 were yesterday's chosen numbers. Though I really wonder if it was sheer coincidence or if someone programmed the computer to pick those for that one day... Tracy
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    Indoors vs. outdoors

    I used to use harnesses and don't anymore... for one simple reason. When I took my cats back inside, the second you opened the door they would both go tearing off and take off for the woods across the road. That bit of time in the fresh air made them think they could go out at any time. And...
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    Vet's today

    Well we live in a small town - only one vet in this immediate area and we have stuck with him since our dog, Ginger, became ill with Cancer. 5 years ago, this same vet was arrested and charged with holding his ex-wife's boyfriend at gunpoint. He lost 50% of his patients even though he was only...
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    Vet's today

    Please someone re-establish my faith in the veterinary system!! We recently lost our 3 year old Siamese to a third Urinary Tract Infection that rapidly expanded to his kidneys. One of those fine in the morning, collapsed 8 hours later deals and as this last case was on a Sunday before the...
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    Strange eating method

    My kitten throws her dry food around. And to step on a piece in the middle of the night really hurts!! My other tiger is a kibble dunker. He dunks it into water and then fishes it out and eats it. Personally, I think it might feed their need to hunt prey. But if it keeps them happy. Now...
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    Coco gets spayed on Friday

    When we adopted our dog from the Humane Society she had just come into her first heat. The vet agreed to spay her in heat providing we knew for sure she wasn't pregnant - that seems to be the key - they don't want to spay an animal that has possibly fertilized eggs - an animal abortion. They...
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    urinary tract infection?

    I have to disagree with Hissy here, something I usually hate to do. I just went through this with my cat and uti's/flutd CAN make your pet very sick - vomiting, not eating, not drinking, dehydration, etc all happen. The reason for the vomiting, if the infection is not caught early, and believe...
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    Very Sick Kitten!

    I am so happy you were able to find a vet with compassion!! Too bad they don't teach that in Vet school - the world would be a much better place for animal owners.
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    Declawed vs. Clawed

    I have introduced many new cats into my house. Here is my advice, Get a kitten if possible. An older cat from my experience adapts much more quickly to a baby being introduced. Make sure you give Willie plenty of solo attention as well, don't just coddle the newbie. Also don't expect him...
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    A cat can be spayed/neutered at any age - and if a female is in heat a vet can spay her at that time as well, but they charge more. For a male, one thing to watch as I just went through this - this is advice that the animal hospital we went to informed us of - a neutered male is at a higher...
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    Pet Insurance - specifically for the Brits

    Thanks! It did help some. I have looked into two plans here and talked to my vet (though those who have read other posts know I don't trust him at the moment. :-) He said he does require payment up front and then insurance refunds me the amount less the deductible. The plans seem to run $100...
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    Pet Insurance - specifically for the Brits

    Since pet insurance is a new thing here in the U.S. and I am watching the cost here, because I want to have it for my kitten eventually. What do the pet insurances in Britain cover and how do they work? I know here - they cover surgeries... spaying/neutering and vaccines cost extra and can get...
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    Very Sick Kitten!

    This is another valid option - BUT again there are some (the one in our area included) that limit the towns they will take pets from, our local one was running short on funds so they decided only towns that give heavy "thousands" donations through the year are part of their "membership" if you...
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    Very Sick Kitten!

    I can fully sympathize with not being able to afford a vet - and I have discovered that most will not take payments at all. One thing you can check - FEW animal hospitals will foster a pet - they take the kitten from you and someone on their staff will take it and pay expenses. So IF (and that...
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    That is so sad. 8 months is hardly an age. And vets - I still want to find one (and if anyone is from Northwestern Vermont and knows of one) Vet who is concerned more for the animal than for their own wallets. This is my 2nd vet - the first I had was in Milton and we dropped her 6 years ago...
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    Thanks! We ended up paying the high cost - I really didn't want him suffering. I am now more angry than sad in all honesty. The emergency animal hospital felt his bladder and asked how come our vet didn't notice his bladder is malformed. He apparently had a birth defect - his bladder didn't...
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    Thanks, Lorie. Actually, at this point I am not even sad ... yet. He is suffering miserably and his quality of life has just not been the same since the first infection a couple months ago. At this point though, it is frustrating. My husband and I have been calling for the past hour - we are...
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    Two months ago, my Siamese became very sick and Urinary Tract disease was too blame. We spent $900 on the iv's, catheters, blood work, urine work, special foods, etc. and had no promise he would live even after that money. But, I kept him on the vet's special (expensive) diet, monitored his...
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    anyone know...?

    My Siamese will not sleep anywhere else. Quite often we won't see him for a few hours and in our bed under the covers is where he always is to be found. The vet said since we coddled him as a kitten when we first got him and brought him into our bed and let him under the covers then - that is...