Search Results

  1. S

    Increased appetite & incontinence - ideas ?

    Hi - I have a 14 yr old male cat who has had most of his teeth out. He's always had a healthy normal appetite, liking to be fed regularly but not overeating. He has always been normal weight, not under not over. He has chronic infections in sinus or mouth, so from time to time we give him...
  2. S

    Best food for toothless cat ?

    A couple of years ago, my 13 year old had most of his teeth removed - I thought he would have a really hard time eating but he has done OK - still craving his dry food every day until recently. Lately he has gotten very fussy about food Seems like he is still interested in eating - whines for...
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    Need Your Advice

    thank you for your replies - the cats are located in philadelphia have been following many leads among friends and extended circle but no luck yet - we are still looking for a good temp home - if you have any additional thoughts, we'd appreciate it - thanks
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    Need Your Advice

    I need advice on finding a long-term but temporary home for two indoor cats. A friend who has two cats is selling her home but is not buying a new one yet. Instead, she is having to move into a temporary living situation with two other people who are very cat-allergic. She would likely be in...