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  1. M

    Should I be worried?

    THE BEST I know I am Max and these people Love me
  2. M

    Max is ill

    We left poor old Max in the hands of our trusty Cat sitter who gave Max a lovely holiday without us He is losing weight a lot but he is still the old Max that we know and love on returning back to Germany from the UK he met us and never punished us in any way so he loves us as much as we love...
  3. M

    Max is ill

    I told Max what you said about his "Beat up face " and he says wait till you are 90 and you wont look to good either He is nearly 19 and is also a house cat (has never seen a garden) the mark on his head is a ex wart which he removed himself by rubbing on a cardboard box Stu
  4. M

    I don't want to put him to sleep!

    Our Cat toilet is on the balcony and Max does miss sometimes so I have got a big Piece of Linolium and now he has his own floor under his cat litter box and any accidents can be sorted out with ease Stu
  5. M

    Strange Tastes in Food

    Our Cat Mishmash (over the bridge now ) used to eat anything that we ate She would beg for whatever we had on our plate Being in Germany we do have lots of Sausage our favorite one was Salami with chillies Well she begged and I thought OK if you want to try it thats your problem so I gave her...
  6. M

    Max is ill

    Well it looks like Max is not ready to cross the bridge and I will not be taking him to the Vet. he looks a s right as rain now and is eating ok and being his normal self I cannot bring myself to take him to the Vet and ruin his day SO MAX Says Thanks to all of you lovely people out there...
  7. M

    Max is ill

    Max is looking a lot better this morning and used his Toilet in the night Could be the heat because we have had it very humid here in the Blackforest 26c Stu
  8. M

    Max is ill

    Ahh I havnt told you the whole story why we took Max to the Vet in January He was acting wierd like stiring into space and not using his toilet also not knowing who we were no reaction when we come home going to the wrong side of the door to get through it He gave us Alzeimer tablets to...
  9. M

    Max is ill

    Yes he is on the Balcony fast asleep So will leave him be for tonight Stu
  10. M

    Litter box - help, tips and tricks...

    I use a cat litter called Thomas here in Germany and I change it EVERY day The stuff that clumps is not so good also I stopped having a cover on the cat toilet and WOW all of the toilet problems vanished (like Constipation) You will always have a mess in front of the toilet Puss cant clean...
  11. M

    Max is ill

    He said he has Alzeimers and Did not realy bother to check him out he did find a small hickup in his heartbeat The problem is with Max he is Terrified of leaving the house I mean Terrified !!! He pees in his cat box or whtever we carry him in I hate doing it to him But if it is for the best Stu
  12. M

    Max is ill

    We did go to the Vet and he wanted to put Max down in January but he seemed so OK then I will wait till the end of the weekend (If possible) and then Visit the Vet again Stu
  13. M

    Max is ill

    Max is 19 and has been a very active Houscat but he has been drinking lots of water in the last year and has a problem with his balance He sleeps nearly all day but loves his time on our knee BUT !! Today he made a horrible noise like he was trying to put words together like a human and was...