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  1. H

    MOJO: Grinch Who Stole Xmas!

    So, I was trying a new background color, and what happens? Mojo decided, "Heeeelllll no! There will be NO Xmas decorations as long as I am around!" So, she wrestled and messed with everything, and I was able to catch a few glimpses of Holiday cheer in those amazing eyes of hers.. 1.) 2.)...
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    Baby Miracle Kitten Video

    I thought I would share this with everyone! Turn up your speakers!
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    Pictures! (11!)

    Here is Aurora, a feral cat that my fiancee and I saved and brought home at only 1.5 days old. She was just skin and bones and we never thought she would make it- but she proved us wrong! In these pictures, she is about 2 months and a week old!! She is not pure bred or anything like that, but...
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    Kitten Biting

    How do I get my young kitten to not bite? Our last cat, also taken in at a very young age due to abandonment, we made the mistake of letting her 'play with our hands', and now she is a very aggressive cat when it comes to play time, and sees nothing wrong with injuring us. Now that was have...
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    Pictures of Aurora!

    Here are some some-what recent pictures of Aurora.. about a week or so ago I think. Here ya go!! And in Memory of her when she was just Itsy-Bitsy: Pure white and tiny: Eyes are starting to peek open: I am suffering from severe heat stroke and perhaps West Nile, so I will be...
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    Mojo is Adopting Aurora

    Out sinister evil cat Mojo at first really hated the idea of us bringing Aurora, the kitten I raised from only 2 days old, who is now 7-8 weeks old. But, now that Aurora lives in the bathroom, Mojo has been going in there frequently and just 'hanging out'. So.. I started feeding Mojo in there...
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    Bad Bottling Behvaiour!!!!!

    Well, when we bottle feed our feral 5.5 week old kitten Aurora, she has become very aggressive with the bottle. She scratches at it very frantically while she suckles and fights to push it all the way in to her mouth.. thus causing it to spill everywhere and for her to try to climb the bottle...
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    Orange Female Cat?

    I was once told that an orange female cat was so VERY VERY rare, and I am just wondering if this is true. I guess I would have to say that every orange cat I have met, except one, was a male. The people I work with were given a small orange female kitten that was found wondering around alone...
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    Weaning issues

    Aurora, our 5 week old Kitten as of this Tuesday, the 26h of June, is having a bit of difficulty with weaning. We have been trying for two weeks just to introduce her to food in the tiny kitten bowl but she just wont take. I have had one incident where she actually started suckling (I got...
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    Litter Box

    Well, little Aurora who is 4.5 weeks old now, but had the kidney infection of a lifetime 2 weeks ago that made her unable to grow from one week to almost three weeks of age, actully used her litter box today! I have been on and off again putting her in the tiny litter box aftr feeding her...
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    Weaning young Aurora (PICS!)

    The feral that we hand reared fromthe age of 2 days old is now turing 4 week old as of tomorrow, Tuesday the 19th of June. So last night we tried our hand at starting the weaning process and lets just say, she dove right in!! And no.. she isn't sleeping in the dish either, Loo, she is...
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    How Do I Deal with Blindness?

    Aurora, a baby kitten my Fiance and I found at 2 days old, has had a hard beginning in life- first off she only took a breath every 4-5 seconds when I found her, she was malnutured- just skin and bones- and ended up having a kidney infection. Well, after dealing with everything we came across...
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    Counter Surfin' Cat

    Mojo, our female cat who is just about 1 year old, is a counter skater. But, she is VERY sneaky about it most of the time. AS SOON as you leave the room (No food having been on the counter r anything) to go to the washroom even, you come out and she dives off of the counter, and down the...
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    Advice and opinions needed on young kitten

    My little Aurora, the kitten whom was abandoned at only 2 days old, is 3 weeks old today, and is very underweight due to a kidney infection. She was put on a broad spectrum antibiotic on Saturday, and already the huge swollen lymph nodes in her neck have dwindled to nothing at all!! I am taken...
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    Kidney Infection Going Away

    Well Aurora had a pretty bad kidney infection and started the medication at only 17-18 days old. She was n't gaining weight, and her lymph nodes were about the size of half of her head!! (These were noticed at the age of 14 days old, but the vet wasn't available until 18 days old.) As an...
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    When to attempt wet food? And more..

    Hey there, after the vet appointment the other day, where we were started on the 2 a day Maxamox ( I think that is what it was) drops for the young Aurora (a now 20 day old little girl who was abandoned in a very dirty location, and brought in to our family at only 2 days old and going strong)...
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    Today, while feeding Aurora, the 16 da old kitten that I rescued when she was merely 2.5 days old, I noticed something VERY horrible!!!! I almost cant type it. She has.. a big bump under the right side of her jaw, sort of like the area that you feel on yourself to see if your glands are...
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    Aurora the Abandoned Kitten

    Hello there, this is my first post. I would like to introduce you to how I came across Aurora before getting too far in to any issues with her- so that you have an understanding of her past. Where I work, there have alays been many cats. There are two females and two males, all adult. Well...