Search Results

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    Vote for cats!

    Just bumping one last time so that cats have a fighting chance to beat the dogs
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    Vote for cats!

    In my procrastination, I've become a little too invested in this cats vs. dogs poll. Corgis are winning since this poll has been posted on corgi forums, so I thought it couldn't hurt to get some cat forum support as well!!5789161/cats-vs...ay-has-arrived
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    Sudden death of cat and cardiomyopathy diagnosis in littermate

    Thank you very much for the supportive messages and info. I'm trying to stay positive for Hobbes but this situation has been really hard to deal with. I was just not prepared to be faced with my kitties' mortality at less than 7 years of age... eilcon, thank you for the yahoo group info; I...
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    Sudden death of cat and cardiomyopathy diagnosis in littermate

    My sweet, gentle and beautiful cat Mooch died suddenly last week while I was at work. He was only 6.5 years old and didn't have any observable signs of illness prior to his sudden death. When I got home from work and found him on the ground, I held it together enough to immediately take...
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    Microchips & Cancer?

    While I understand where this sentiment comes from, I personally can't brush off a scientific study that causes a respected doctor to say "There's no way in the world, having read this information, that I would have one of those chips implanted in my skin, or in one of my family members," (quote...
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    Microchips & Cancer?

    Is the recent study linking microchips to increased cancer rates in mice a cause for concern?? Does anyone think this means we should take out our cats' microchips?
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    Cat suddenly hissing at brother

    My two 3 year old cats are litter mates and have always gotten along swimmingly; they play/snooze together and groom each other all the time. However, even though they're the sweetest cats at home, they turn into absolute terrors at the vet. I've never seen anything like it and I had a ton of...
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    Cat's "inside corner" eyelid doesn't look too good

    Hi, I have two indoor only 3 year old kitties (brothers). I live in NYC and when the warm weather arrived, my orange tabby started acting really lethargically, which I chalked off to the warm weather. FYI, when we first moved to NYC last summer, both cats acted the same way because they were...