Search Results

  1. D

    4 month old ruining my clothes

    Hello all, My 4 month old male kitten keeps jumping onto my clothes causing them to rip or be damaged. The was the closet is set up it is not possible to keep him out. i really do not want to declaw him but i dont know what else i could do. If i have his nails trimmed will he still be able to...
  2. D

    Big cat playing, or trying to kill my kitten?

    I have a 5 week old kitten (who doesn't seem to know to drink water) and my room mate has a 4 year old cat (Kitty). At first the Kitty didnt like my kitten, he would growl and hiss at him whenever my kitten would get close... well now, 3 days later, it seems that Kitty is beginning to get use to...
  3. D

    5 wk old not drinking

    I just got a kitten from one of my friends yesterday and getting him to drink has been a bit of a concern to me. I have a food and water bowl set up for him and he eats fine but he will not drink out of his dish. The only way i can get him to drink is if i put water in my mouth and let him drink...