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    Update Kitten Pics

    Hi all Decided to start a new thread for the 4 bundles of fluff. Here they are at 2 weeks old This one is not great but It is adorable! Enjoy!
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    Cat and Dog

    Hi As you all know I have got new kitts - and as all you advice was sound I need your help again please! The problem now is the Dog!! Tinkerbell and the Dog have always been the best of friends to the extent of sleeping together - but now she has Kitts she is literally pulling the fur out of...
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    Hi I am new to this forum and I am new to kittymummyhood! Well when I say I am new I mean this is only a second litter and previously it was when I was 12 years old so really did not pay much attention. My cat Tinkerbell is a pear on legs! I thought that our local tom did the deed on the 10th...