Search Results

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    Miranda and Ashley

    I don't know if any of you have been following this story, but as it happened in Oregon City, it's been all over the news. I know it was featured twice in America's Most Wanted, and in many newspapers and magazines. In January, A 12 year old girl named Miranda Gaddis (I apologize for any...
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    For the Harry Potter Fans

    Ok, if you've read the books, I know you're familiar with the concept of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Did you know they now officialy exist? I found them at Borders, and couldn't resist getting a box to show my best friend, also an avid Harry fan. We nibbled them while on vacation at the...
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    Come Together

    ok, I need some opinions here. I'm competing in the Jr. Miss scholarship program next year (it's sort of like a pageant, but based more on grades and stuff), and for my talent I'm going to dance. Problem: my mom hates the song my instructor and I picked out. She thinks it's too controversial...
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    I have a slight dillema on my hands here. My high school has fallen victim to major budget cuts. We're losing teachers, classes, and sports. No, don't worry, they aren't cutting football, or any of the 8 (I repeat, 8!) basketball teams at our school...Heaven forbid. But, they are cutting...
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    correct me if I'm wrong...

    My friend is getting two new kittens this friday (whoo hoo!), but I have a little question. They're just 5 weeks old, I thought kittens weren't generally supposed to be weaned and taken away before they were about 8 weeks old. what's up with that?
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    hello everyone!

    I used to be registered here under my middle name, Michelle, but I don't know what happened to that one. I spent half my days here at TCS, but there just weren't enough hours in the day (there still aren't, but I'm on summer vacation!) and my visits became a lot less frequent. I have 3...
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    throwing up

    Hi everyone! I haven't introduced myself here yet, 'cause I wanted to get my question in here first. I've got three cats, Sasha, the mommy, and the two little ones (well, by now they're a year old, but they're still my kittens), Tag and Turtle, both girls. I've been coming across kitty puke...