Search Results

  1. S

    Xiphoid - Elongated Sternum

    I was wondering if anyone knows of some great online articles one would direct a kitten buyer to look at regarding xiphoids? Some may call it the elongated sternum or elongated piece of breast bone. Most of my google searches bring up this happening with humans but I'd like to find some great...
  2. S

    Stud Service Contracts

    I was wondering if any one had a stud contract that they could share with me? I have never offered stud service before, or used stud service, but I've been asked about it. Does anyone have anything to share on some must haves that should be in a contract? Or personal experiences that should...
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    CFF Show - American Siamese Cat Club April 21-22

    I noticed some other posts about shows so I thought it would be OK to post about this show here. The American Siamese Cat Club in conjunction with CFF is putting on a show called, "It's A Spring Thing" in Saco Maine on April 21-22. You can get more information by visiting The American Siamese...
  4. S

    Hello. A new siamese person here.

    Hi Everyone. My name is Deb and I live in Massachusetts with my husband, two sons and a home full of cats. I breed and show my siamese and also have a couple of love bugs that I rescued. This is a great web site and I look forward to learning how to get around here. I hope my attempt to post...