Search Results

  1. E

    Found. Skinny and tired.

    Congratulations on the good news from the vet! Regarding the other cats--when I got my Hamlet baby (seven weeks old and louder than a tornado siren) my Buena Suerte cat kept giving me this look like I had left the door open and something awful had come in. He kept trying to follow her around...
  2. E

    Attempt Rehome or TNR?

    Hello. I' m new-ish to the stray/feral cat world, although I did pick up some neat injuries in high school going through a bush after a stray kitten (she was placed with a no-kill society and later adopted.) I'm a bus driver, and was discussing the different cats I often see along the route...
  3. E

    How hard is it to trap......

    I was so excited when I read about your success with the second cat. And, although you didn't dwell on it, KUDOS for going ahead with the spay. It's not fun to think about, but every kitten who isn't born means another kitten or cat with a shot at decent food and medical care. I'm having a go...