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  1. T

    My poor Tigger!

    She just can't seem to understnad that she must share the attention with the fish! She got used to them, but we moved them to a bigger tank today, and now her nose is out of joint! I tried giving her some salmon juice, no happy kitty yet. I must keep trying......
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    Cruel people

    A few years ago, my husband and I were driving down a very busy highway when we saw the truck coming at us throw something black out the window at about 55 mph. Turned out to be a little black kitty. She was pretty bad off, and the local vet around here is a joke. I took her to the nearest Amish...
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    I often wonder....

    What happened to my gray tom. His name was Smokey. He was with us for ten years, and still very healthy when he just disappeared. We never saw him again. This was about 25 years ago, but I have never gotten over it. I hope if someone stole him, they took care of him, he was a wonderful cat.
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    My hubby's worthless cat!

    When our daughter first asked to bring this pathetic little kitten home, my husband said NO! See, he always says cats are worthless. They don't do anything, and they can't help protect the house. After three days of having her in the house, he was hooked! When we took her to the vet to be...
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    I need help!

    My baby is so small! She is five years old, and barely weighs eight pounds! She always has food handy, and sleeps a lot. But she gets nuts on occasion too. She loves chasing invisible somethings on my kitchen floor! (Maybe just dirt that I don't want to see! ) Any way, how can I put some weight...
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    Got my shot today....

    For those of you who aren't aware of it, I got bitten by my baby Tigger when my daughters boyfriend picked her up last Sat. night. (She can't stand him taking "his human" away) Called the Dr. and he advised me to come in and get a tetnus shot. I am now nursing a sore arm as well as a bite in the...
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    My funny cat!

    My daughter is my cat's human. Last night, when her boyfriend came to pick her up, ( tigger hates him) she of course got mad when they left. As I walked to the dorr to see them off, She bit me! Drew blood! I look like I have a vampire bite on my leg! She knew it was wrong, cause she immediately...
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    Does anyone think that declawing is cruelty? I have one that is, and am thinking of getting another kitten, but am not sure what to do about her claws. I have very expensive furniture and would just be sick if she tore it up, but I can't stand being cruel if it hurts that much. Help me please!
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    I will try this...

    My cat's a pain, As you can see, I have scars, Where she has bitten me! Daddy played, So very rough, That now she don't know, When enough is enough!
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    I am new. I have a 5 year old tabby named tigger. She is a brat, but I love her. She tends to shred the toilet paper in my daughter's bathroom when she goes away for a while. Never mine, just hers. Must always have the complete attention of all in the house, but hates new people, and will try to...
  11. T

    I'm new

    I have the cat from H---! She is still so active after 5 years! She has to have lots of love or she will come up to you and bite you! But she hates strangers. She will physically attack my daughters boyfriend if they try to leave together. She hates it when my child is gone. She is so spoiled!