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  1. H

    My cat is a bad boy. Help!

    I found out he is a bit more or a bit less than one month old. I believe he is still very young. I feed him with Royal Canin - Baby Cat 34 and Whiskas. I believe it is healthy. Now I addopted and other girl cat to play with him. She is 2 months old and twice his size lol, but they are very...
  2. H

    My cat is a bad boy. Help!

    I don't punish him, I just pick him up and put him somewhere else. I don't want him to go the the kitchen (because of the oven) but he is always tryng to go in there and when I go to pick him up he runs back to the living room or to under the fridge (gives me some work to get him out ). I...
  3. H

    My cat is a bad boy. Help!

    Well I don't get a lot of chances of making him lay down. He is VERY energetic lol. He has super-powered batteries and won't stop for a second. He usualy is agressive only when he is eating, sometimes when playing. I always think he is going to tear the toy-mouse apart.
  4. H

    Hello, introducing myself.

    Hey, cat lovers! Well some of you know about Mia (my baby girl cat that died) but I also rescued her brother, Mio. He is a 2 weeks old white kitten that loves to brutally attack his toy-mouse . I'll be arround the forum asking question of how to take great care of him, he is my first cat...
  5. H

    My cat is a bad boy. Help!

    Hi , my other kitten Mio (Mia's brother - I found both lost and took them home, but unfortunately she died) is becoming a very stressed boy. He is 2 weeks old and already bit the vet and snarls when I touch him if he's eating or playing with one of his fovourite toys! He also runs away if you...
  6. H


    Thank you, everyone. I know that if there is a heaven for cats, she is there. She was cute, kind, happy and very loved. Kisses Mia, we'll miss you.
  7. H

    Emergency - Breething problem! Please help!

    I'm sorry, she has died I'm still crying a bit but it's ok. At least she had some days of good life. This is a picture of her. Her name was going to be Mia.
  8. H

    Emergency - Breething problem! Please help!

    I wanted to know if anyone know about this desiese. She is so small and weak. She is only 2 weeks old (we rescued her) and it can be fatal. I will know for sure if she is going to live in 1:30 or 2 hours.
  9. H

    Emergency - Breething problem! Please help!

    Hi, my kitten has become sick and aparently she has got rhinotracheitis. This morning I took her to the vet and was medicated but this afternoon she got VERY bad. She wasn't responding, was breething very fast and you could see that she was having dificulty in moving. Now she is in observation...