Search Results

  1. L

    mirror image

    According to studies that have been done, only dolphins and some of the chimps are supposedly "self aware", that is will recognize themselves in a mirror. None of our cats seem to be, but some will watch animals on TV with interest. All I know for sure is that animals are all much more...
  2. L

    My cat is a dog

    Several of our cats like to accompany us to the bathroom...we re used to the company and miss it if no one joins us now! Misha, my little black ferret, (that's our pet name...she was a tiny runt of a thing found on the streets at 7 weeks all alone; we adopted her a few days after the shelter...
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    Exhausting "Epidemic"

    Thanks so much. We've come up with a couple of guesses about the cause, but may never know for sure. We've spent so much $$ in the past week I'm almost embarassed, but I would never deny the best possible care to any of our babies... in addition to the 10 house kitties we have 3 in the barn, a...
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    one fat one skinny

    We have 10 cats, all of various sizes and shapes. Two are littermates, brothers, we adopted together from a shelter. One, Elliot, has maintained his weight nicely, while his brother, Barry, is a walrus. All 10 cats are on Authority Adult Dry food. We've spoke with our vet about the disparity...
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    Exhausting "Epidemic"

    Well, after a week of illness among our 10 house cats, the saga continued last night. This is unbelievable! Last week, Pepper began coughing suddenly one night. Coughing in cats is definitely not a good thing, so I took him to our vet the next day. XRAYs showed a vague bronchial pattern, no...
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    Is 3 cats too many?

    Thanks! Glad I found this far I love it! Where in KY are you? I lived in Bowling Green for a year back in the '70's and LOVED it!
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    constantly meowing cat - need help!

    I agree that she should have a thorough checkup. Assuming that all is well medically, consider adopting a pet for her! Perhaps she simply needs company, in which case getting her a kitten of her very own may be just the ticket.
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    Is 3 cats too many?

    As long as you handle the introductions slowly and carefully, and as long as there is enough room in your house for each cat to have their own "space", plus enough food and water dishes and litter boxes, you shouldn't have any problems. We have 10 house cats, and other than the occasional hissy...
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    Ruthie - FIP?

    We have 10 house cats and 3 barn cats. Recently one of the house cats was bitten by another, and developed a nasty infection. With lots of care and love, she is fully recovered, and now spends most of her time in the best room of the house, doors closed. That's quite fine with her...
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    Rules for Cats

    I loved this. Hope all of you enjoy it too! Rules for Cats to Live By BATHROOMS: Always accompany guests to the bathroom. It is not necessary to do anything. Just sit and stare, or feel free to walk on in and meow for something. If the bathroom door is closed, see below...
  11. L


    Hello all. I'm new to this site as well...We have 10 house cats, plus 3 who live in our barn, and a house dog. Everyone gets along reasonably well...they are all so unique and have wonderful personalities...we love each and every one. 8 of the 10 in the house came from a local no-kill shelter...